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Leveraging Existing Community Structures to Reach HIV-affected Children in Early Childhood with Care and Support Services

This presentation reviews Bantwana Iniatitive's early childhood education program challenges and outcomes in Swaziland. The program is an integrated intervention that has helped to improve access to health and nutrition and improved parent and educator participation. Presented during the symposium...

Developing & Testing Evidence-based Child Abuse Prevention Programs for AIDS-affected Families in LMIC

This presentation reviews pathways to HIV-risk, resulting child abuse and offers advice and support for stemming the problem. Presented during the symposium “Children and HIV: Start Early, Start Now! – Integrated Interventions for Young Children Born into HIV-affected Families” in Melbourne,...

The Family Engagement Inventory: A Brief Cross-Disciplinary Synthesis

Taking a cross-disciplinary approach to strengthening families, the Family Engagement Inventory is designed to familiarize professionals in child welfare, juvenile justice, behavioral health, early childhood education, and education with family engagement as defined and implemented across these...

Revisiting the Esoteric Question: Can non-social workers manage and supervise social workers?

This paper reflects a key ongoing debate within different contexts around the world, on which many authors have provided comment over the years, and the case of South Africa is examined.

The Impact of Public Investment in Social Care Services on Employment, Gender Equality and Poverty: The Turkish case

The social care service sector remains an underdeveloped sector in Turkey. This study evaluates a demand-side economic rationale for public investment in the social care sector by estimating its potential for employment creation, pro-women allocation of jobs, and poverty alleviation.

Adolescents Living with HIV (ALHIV) Toolkit

The resources in this toolkit cover a broad range of topics related to treatment, care and support of ALHIV, including counseling, psychosocial support and promising practices.

Managing Stress in Humanitarian Workers: Guidelines for good practice

Good staff care and psychosocial care have proven to be an important asset in stress management and the prevention and treatment of traumatic and post-traumatic stress. The Guidelines were conceptualized as a comprehensive, systematic presentation of the ‘state of the art’ in managing stress in...

Le Renforcement des Systemes de Protection de l'Enfance en Afrique SubSaharienne: Un Appel a l'Action

L’objectif de cette déclaration est (i) de présenter notre vision commune des systèmes de protection de l’enfance en Afrique subsaharienne et d’expliquer pourquoi ils sont importants et méritent des investissements et lancer un appel à l’action auprès des gouvernements, à l’Union africaine.

Investing in Children and Families to Avoid Unnecessary Separation (Français and Español)

S’Engager pour les Enfants et les Familles Afin d’é Viter la Séparation - Aujourd’hui, il est évident que les acteurs de la prise en charge des enfants et  des familles devraient s’engager d’avantage pour les enfants et les familles pour permettre leur développement harmonieux et leur participation...

Care Groups: A Training Manual for Program Design and Implementation (Français and Español)

Care Groups: Un Manuel de Formation pour l’Élaboration et la Mise en œuvre de ProgrammeCe manuel a été élaboré comme une ressource de formation pour l’élaboration, la formation, la mise en œuvre et le suivi des programmes de Care Groups. Manual de Entrenamiento para Diseño e Emplementación de...
