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Social Work during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Initial findings

During 2020, social workers were operating in new circumstances resulting from the global spread of the Covid-19 virus. The pandemic, and the restrictions implemented to control it, impacted on every area of our lives. As part of its response, BASW conducted two surveys exploring the impact of...

Prioritising Children, Adolescents & Caregivers Affected by HIV in the COVID-19 Response - Policy briefing

This policy brief is for global donors and policy makers. It sets out what global policy changes are required, based on the latest evidence related to children and adolescents affected by HIV, and those working alongside them.

Health Workforce Policy and Management in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic Response - Interim guidance

This guide consolidates COVID-19 guidance for human resources for health managers and policy-makers at national, subnational and facility levels to design, manage and preserve the workforce necessary to manage the COVID-19 pandemic and maintain essential health services. The guide identifies...

Guidance for Families to Prevent Violence in Early Childhood in the Time of COVID-19 - Conceptual and Methodological Framework

To address increasing violent discipline and child protection concerns, support services are needed for families that promote young children’s nurturing upbringing while promoting self-care among their primary caregivers. This toolkit contains five main sections with resources for caregivers,...

Never Only One Zebra - A review of measurement frameworks in children's care

The purpose of this study was to review monitoring and evaluation frameworks, which have been developed for the field of Children’s Care and to analyze the potential for a common measurement framework. 

Modelling the Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Violent Discipline Against Children

This study estimated the anticipated effect of COVID-19 on violent discipline at home using multivariable predictive regression models. This study is motivated by concerns that the COVID-19 pandemic has potentially increased children’s risk of experiencing violence. The pandemic has led to the...

Electronic Case Management: Key considerations

Electronic case management systems streamline the reporting of OVC indicators, provides greater visibility and accountability for partners, and allows service providers to monitor program performance and outcomes. An electronic case management system is proven to be effective in storing key...

Children with Disabilities - Ensuring their inclusion in COVID-19 response strategies and evidence generation

Several months into the COVID-19 crisis, the questions above remain largely unanswered. However, evidence is beginning to emerge that points to increased risks for children with disabilities as well as reduced access to services. Understanding such risks and assessing the socioeconomic impact of...

Supporting Families and Children Beyond COVID-19 - Social protection in high-income countries

High-income countries have very limited experience of dealing with health crises, having their health and human services stretched beyond capacity, restricting the travel of their populations or having to close workplaces and schools – let alone experience of all of these things combined. These...

It is Time for Care

If children are to be at the heart of the COVID-19 response and recovery plans, care and caregivers must be prioritized as a matter of urgency. This discussion paper outlines the extraordinary challenges facing children and families across the globe, and the steps that can be taken to ensure their...
