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Case Study on Family-Based Care - ACE Zambia

Drawing upon the case study of ACE Zambia this paper seeks to demonstrate the merit of family-based care as the prefered method of care for vulnerable children. The goal is to demonstrate a working model of family-based care as replicable framework that can be modified for other regions and...

Still Unprotected - Humanitarian funding for child protection

Throughout 2020, the impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic and the containment measures have layered risk upon risk for children in humanitarian crises. Although the overall funding for child protection is increasing, the funding gap remains wide due to the needs increasing at an alarming rate. As...

Guidance Manual on Strengthening Supervision for the Social Service Workforce

This manual defines what is meant by supervision in social services, outlines the key elements of good practice in supervision and summarizes the different forms of supervision.

Data-informed Recommendations for Services Providers Working with Vulnerable Children and Families during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Drawing from 87 survey responses from NGOs on how their service provision was affected during COVID-19, data revealed that the pandemic and restrictive measures were associated with increased risk factors for vulnerable children and families, including not having access to vital services.

Rapid Return of Children in Residential Care to Family as a Result of COVID-19: Scope, challenges, and recommendations

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, some governments have mandated that residential care providers rapidly return children and youth to family. Survey data from 67 organizations revealed that rapid return was characterized by compressed timelines that did not allow for adequate child and family...

COVID-19: Wellbeing and Self Care Resources for Carers and Practitioners

This briefing explores the importance of self-care for parents and carers, while outlining some ‘top-tips’ and helpful resources that can be accessed online. it is important to remember that self-care practices in their varying forms can offer people an important space to focus, process emotions ...

‘When will I be free’: Lessons of COVID-19 for Child Protection in South Africa

COVID-19 has highlighted and amplified structural inequalities; drawing attention to issues of racism, poverty, xenophobia as well as arguably ineffective government policies and procedures. In South Africa, the pandemic and the resultant national lockdown has highlighted the shortcomings in the...

Social Welfare Service Workforce Capacity Assessment

As part of the process to strengthen the Ghanaian social welfare workforce, a ‘social welfare workforce capacity assessment was conducted to develop a long-term capacity building strategy for the social welfare service sector in Ghana’ in 2019. The report notes existing gaps and needs and provides...

COVID-19 SYNTHESIS #4 - Children’s Participation

This evidence synthesis analyses emerging practices and preliminary guidance for engaging children in the response to CP challenges during the various stages of COVID-19 and other infectious disease outbreaks (e.g. Ebola). It explores both barriers and opportunities to the meaningful and authentic...

Guidance for Alternative Care Provision during COVID-19

Practical guidance on the adaptations and considerations needed to support children in alternative care or entering alternative care during COVID-19.
