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Scaling up Child Protection: A framework for the future

An accompanying document to UNICEF's 2030 Child Protection Strategy, this discussion paper offers technical support for countries to scale up child protection programs. The paper is in two volumes. Volume 1 provides extensive background, context and information to inform a conceptual framework for...

The State of the Social Service Workforce 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has placed great strain on the social service workforce. The virus and the measures adopted to contain it have required social service organizations and workers to reorganize the way they operate to ensure the health and well-being of the communities they serve. 

UNICEF 2021-2030 Child Protection Strategy

Child Protection is the prevention of, and response to, exploitation, abuse, neglect, harmful practices and violence against children. It is embedded in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Sustainable Development Goals. Child Protection is universal: it is for all children everywhere...

The Climate Crisis is a Child Rights Crisis: Introducing the Children’s Climate Risk Index

The climate crisis is the defining human and child’s rights challenge of this generation, and is already having a devastating impact on the well-being of children globally. Understanding where and how children are uniquely vulnerable to this crisis is crucial in responding to it.

Social Work Practice with Ethnic Minorities during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Learning from the Arab Minority in Israel

Although the critical role of social workers in the fight against the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and support for communities affected by the virus was stressed in international declarations of the social work profession, how social workers fulfil their role in practice has...

Social Work in the Time of COVID-19: A Case Study from the Global South

This article explores the experiences of social workers at a non-governmental organization (NGO) involved in disaster responses to COVID-19 in a rural and resource-challenged region of Cambodia. The views of Khmer and international social workers in the NGO were gathered through an internal...

Once in a Hundred Years: Does COVID-19 Present an Opportunity to Restructure the Professional Image of the Social Worker in Israel?

The COVID-19 pandemic has placed social work in the limelight alongside the various medical professions and has created a rare opportunity for transforming the oppressed image of the profession. Based on a broad perspective—historical, social and political—we show how the development of a...

Social Workers and Disaster Management: An Aotearoa New Zealand Perspective

In many parts of the world, social workers have long supported disaster responses although in Aotearoa New Zealand, social work is not generally considered an essential component of disaster management. Promoting the development of safer, less vulnerable communities, is however a key activity for...

Long-term care report: Trends, challenges and opportunities in an ageing society

The 2021 Long-Term Care Report provides an overview of the state of play of long-term care systems in the EU and recent reforms, highlighting also first response measures taken during the pandemic. The report maps current and future demand for long-term care and gaps in accessing formal care, in...

A Study on Child Care Reform in Latin America and the Caribbean Aimed at Developing a Regional Advocacy Strategy

This study presents a detailed overview of promising practices in child care reform by different implementers and stakeholders in the Latin American and Caribbean region.
