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Capacity Building of Community-Based Child Care Workers Training Manual for Para Social Workers

This second edition of this training manual aims to build the capacity of para social workers in Uganda through a seven-step evidence-based management model.

Constructing Family from a Social Work Perspective in Child Welfare: A juggling act at best

Social workers from urban communities in the prairie region of Canada were surveyed on their understandings of family. Study findings suggest that social workers' construction of family and the decision they make about family life involve three primary themes: acceptance of diverse understandings...

Violence Against Children and Care in Africa: A discussion paper

Violence against children is prevalent in Africa, including in family and alternative care settings. Addressing the problem requires several strategies, including investing in a skilled and well-resourced social service workforce.

Investing in the Social Service Workforce

Findings of a study on how local public social services are planning, managing and training the social services workforce.

Isibindi's Family Strengthening Approach

Following a 2016 qualitiative study in three cities on the family strengthening approach of the Isibindi program, this brief was created to provide an overview of the program and its results.

Working for Health and Economic Growth: Investing in the health workforce

People need better access to safe, quality health care, as well as long-term employment. The social and health sectors will have to play a greater role in our economies, and we will need collectively to increase health employment. Investing in health workers is one part of the broader objective of...

Case Management in Child and Family Support Center (PDAK)

This resource book aims to introduce the PDAK Child and Family Support Center as a childcare paradigm shift from institutionalization toward family-based and alternative care. It focuses on the strengthen of professional social workers in providing social services with the best interests of...

Supervision Guideline

Developed and tested through workshops by Save the Children, this tool is for social workers who work with children and families through family support centers. It provides a definition, standards and quality of practice related to supervision.

Workforce Resource

This resource is a one-page summary of a 10-year study examining the personal and organizational factors that affect retention of child welfare caseworkers. It also offers solutions for a more stable workforce.

Singing to the Lions: A facilitator's guide to overcoming fear and violence in our lives

This guide aims to help facilitators to work with children and youth through a six-course module to develop the skills and resilience to respond effectively to fear and violence in their lives.
