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Minimum Standards on Comprehensive Services for Children and Young People in the East African Community

The Minimum Standards (MSCS) have been developed to guide the implementation of the EAC Child Policy (2016). The role of the MSCS is to ensure a coordinated approach to service delivery, in particular at the community level, for all children and young people to strengthen their resilience and...

Deinstitutionalization of Vulnerable Children in Uganda

The Deinstitutionalization of Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children in Uganda (DOVCU) project that was funded by USAID, lasted 42 months (July 2014-December 2017). This is a final report of the project's successes. Overall, compared to the baseline, stakeholders in the district government,...

Understanding Social Work and Child Welfare: Canadian survey and interviews with child welfare experts

In many ways, child welfare social workers in Canada mirror the simultaneous and complex relationship between emotional exhaustion and job satisfaction discussed in the literature. The findings also suggest that job satisfaction and perceived support may be key to counter-balancing vicarious trauma...

Turnover Among Wraparound Care Coordinators: Perspectives on causes, impacts and remedies

There is no shortage of anecdotal evidence about the negative impacts that staff turnover can have on children, families, and other staff in agencies that provide Wraparound care coordination. The cost to replace staff is also high. This report highlights findings from a study toward determining...

NASW's Supervisory Leaders in Aging: An acceptable and feasible model for training and supporting social work supervisors

Social services are instrumental in addressing challenges associated with aging. Yet, practitioners report needing expanded gerontological knowledge and better supervision. The Supervisory Leaders in Aging (SLA) program of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) was designed to improve...

Optimizing Health Worker Performance and Productivity to Achieve 95-95-95 Targets

This toolkit includes resources that can be used by all cadres of the health and social service workforces and service delivery professionals. It includes a case study and tools for understanding and addressing causes of workforce problems and tips for supportive supervision.

Residential Child and Youth Care in a Developing World - Middle East and Asia

Readers are offered glimpses of what child protection and child care looks like in this region.

Quality Checklist for Child Psychosocial Support and Child Friendly Spaces

This document is part of a Meal4Kids series. The checklist is intended to help child psychosocial support and Child Friendly Space supervisors adhere to quality standards during program implementation.

INSPIRE: Seven strategies for ending violence against children

INSPIRE: Seven strategies for ending violence against children is an evidence-based technical package to support countries in their efforts to prevent and respond to violence against children aged 0-17 years.

State of the Social Service Workforce in South Asia

This report describes policies, education, funding and support available to the workforce, and includes data available on the composition of the workforce in eight countries.
