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Child Protection Case Management Supervision and Coaching Training Package

This package of tools is intended to increase case management supervisors’ confidence, capacity and support to caseworkers to provide safe, ethical and competent case management services to vulnerable children and their families. It has been developed over two years through several country pilots...

A Changing Child Welfare Workforce: What characteristics are valued in child welfare?

Although the child welfare workforce in Ontario attended to an estimated 125,281 child maltreatment investigations in 2013, little is known about the skills, education, and experiences of these investigating workers. This study examined data from five cycles over twenty years of Ontario Incidence...

2018 Prevention Resource Guide - Keeping Children Safe and Families Strong in Supportive Communities

The Resource Guide was created primarily to support community-based child abuse prevention professionals who work to prevent child maltreatment and promote well-being. The guide includes detailed information about six protective factors for preventing child maltreatment and tips and examples for...

Child Protection Resource Pack: How to plan, monitor and evaluate child protection programmes

The purpose of this resource pack is to strengthen the evidence base of child protection through clear and practical guidance for improved planning and M&E practices and documentation of good practices and lessons learned, in line with the main approaches in UNICEF’s Child Protection Strategy (...

Its All Relative: Supporting kinship care discussion guide for supervisors

This discussion guide is intended to accompany the video series to share ways to create a more supportive environment and develop an agency culture that responds to caregivers' needs.

HIV-Sensitive Child Protection: Training course for auxiliary social workers

The aim of the course is to develop an appropriate training program for social auxiliaries.

Using a Systems Approach at the Community-Level in a Human Resource Constrained Context

This case study highlights aspects of a case management system and referral mechanism utilized by OVC programs within Mozambique that could be identified as a hub and spoke model of referral mechanism.

Strengthening and Supporting the Early Childhood Workforce: Training and professional development

To increase the evidence base on the benefits of early childhood development, a four-part series of global landscape analyses are being conducted to establish the size and scope of the challenges faced by the early childhood workforce, while also highlighting promising practices countries have...

Supervision During Social Work Education and Training in Francophone West Africa: Conceptual frameworks and empirical evidence from Burkina Faso and Côte d’Ivoire

This article presents research exploring the conceptualization and practice of supervision during social worker training in Burkina Faso and Côte d’Ivoire, Francophone West African countries whose social work education frameworks and processes are nearly absent in the academic literature.

Coaching in Child Welfare

This training presentation is aimed at child welfare administrators, managers and supervisors for understanding the potential role of coaching and considerations for its use to support their workforce.
