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Family Case Management: Family-centered care training for care-providers of children and families living with and affected by HIV

This six-day training is intended for case managers/community health volunteers/field supervisors who help households affected by HIV in India.

Child Protection Case Management Training Manual for Caseworkers, Supervisors and Managers

This Training Manual is developed based on the Child Protection Working Group Interagency Guidelines for Case Management. The Facilitator’s Guide provides guidance on the key steps to take before, during and after training, including customizing the training to different contexts and audiences.

Child Protection Case Management Training Manual

This five-day child protection case management training manual was developed to meet the needs of community child protection workers and other social workers working in tandem with the justice, health and law enforcement systems in Malawi.

Case Management Training Facilitator Guide

This document is a guide to all trainers who will be training social workers on the use of the Case Management Operations Manual developed by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare of Namibia.

DRC National Training Curriculum for Para-Social Workers Working with Vulnerable Children

The development of this course was adapted from the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance guiding principles, functions and competencies for para social workers. The training includes six modules adapted through an in-country participatory process.

Supervisor Role in the Transfer of Learning to the Workplace

This online training program focuses on what is transfer of learning and strategies for implementing.

Realiser les Droits d'Enfant: Manual pour la Formation des Professionnels de la Prise en Charge Alternative

L’atteinte de cet objectif passe en particulier par des partenariats avec des institutions internationales et des acteurs de la société civile tant nationaux qu’internationaux. Ces partenariats ont permis l’élaboration des Standards « Quality4Children » pour la prise en charge des enfants hors du...

Pathways to Professionalism in Early Childhood Education and Care

Through case studies of innovative and sustainable pathways to professionalization, this book recognizes the importance of a systemic approach to professionalization across all levels of the early childhood workforce.

Skills and Professional Practices for the Consolidation of the Support Group Model to Foster Families

Participatory action-research with professionals working in child protection systems throughout Spain highlights the importance of development of competencies and training for working in foster care and establishing supportive relationships with the families. Competencias y prácticas...

Social Workers as Environmental Preservation Vanguards: Zimbabwean professionals’ potential change agent roles

The article explores pathways for environmental social work engagement in Zimbabwe. The authors recommend inclusion of environmental issues in the social work curricula, including fieldwork and collaboration with state and non-state actors who are currently involved in environment justice.
