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Nurturing Professional Social Work in Malawi

The researcher used desk research to review social work practice and education in Malawi and argues that the best way to nurture the profession is for social work educators and practitioners to interact and learn from each other. A reflexive approach where curriculum and practice would inform each...

Social Work Doctoral Education: Are doctoral students being prepared to teach?

The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which US social work doctoral programs are training their students to teach by assessing the extent to which pedagogical training is explicitly integrated into doctoral curricula and examining the scope and content of required doctoral courses...

Greening the Profession: A missing perspective in contemporary social work practice in Zimbabwe

In interviews with 27 individuals from NGOs and government organizations, it is argued that social workers should aim to tackle current challenges being caused by environmental crises and become more highly trained and involved in environmental issues.

INEE Background Paper on Psychosocial Support and Social and Emotional Learning for Children and Youth in Emergency Settings

The purpose of this paper is to clarify relevant terminologies and approaches relating to psychosocial well-being and social and emotional learning (SEL) in education in crisis-affected contexts, and to explore how psychosocial support (PSS) and social and emotional learning relate to one another.

Realising Children’s Rights: A training manual for care professionals working with children in alternative care

This manual is comprised of a two-day course and intended for use in institutions which carry out pre-service or in-service training of care professionals.

Training for Data Collectors on PEPFAR Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting Essential Survey Indicators: Facilitator’s Guide

As part of its monitoring, evaluation, and reporting guidance, the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) has launched a set of essential indicators for measuring the effectiveness of these OVC programs that address holistic well-being for children and their families over time.

Where Its Needed Most: Quality Professional Development for All Teachers

As teachers play a critical role in shaping the future of their students, their role should not be an afterthought but should be an integral plart of the prepardness and planning phase for education in emergencies. Experts from the around provided input and recommendations for teaching standards in...

Improving Standards of Care for Alternative Child and Youth Care: Systems, policies and practices

This 2nd conference aimed at moving in the direction of making the world a better place for children, recognizing the current state of the world. The conference addressed the issues of institutionalized children, their aftercare and the transition of institutionalized children and the issues faced...

Safe Healing and Learning Spaces Toolkit

This multi-part toolkit is culturally and contextually adaptable for the need following disasters and crisis, providing short-term child protection interventions to allow students to safely heal and learn.

Competency-based Workforce Development: A synthesis of current approaches

Finding, selecting, preparing, and retaining the right people for the workforce historically has been a challenge and often an impediment to consistent and positive outcomes. The use of competency models to guide recruitment, selection, preparation, and retention offers one strategy in a...
