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Social Work Education in Africa: Whence and whither?

This article discusses the origin of social work education in Africa. Social work in Africa was not a product of a progressive social metamorphosis but rather that of foreign methodologies imposed on African societies. It will also further discuss the future direction and development of the field.

Are Non-Traditional Social Work Placements Second-Best Learning Opportunities for Social Work Qualifying Students?

The research highlights experiences and perspectives of student social workers, project leaders and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to meet the six key roles, and demonstrate working with the legal framework, risk awareness, and management and assessment skills. It also considers how the...

Making Sense of Data-Driven Decision Making in Education

This paper uses RAND research to show how schools and districts are analyzing achievement test results and other types of data to make decisions to improve student success. It examines data-driven decision-making (DDDM) policies and suggests future research in the field.

Teaching Evidence-Based Practice: Toward a new paradigm for social work education

The article discusses the benefits brought by evidence-based social work, a new paradigm that promotes more effective social interventions, professional education and ongoing efforts of the George Warren Brown School of Social Work at Washington University to implement curriculum-wide changes...

Teaching Evidence-Based Practice: Strategic and pedagogical recommendations for schools of social work

The article provides strategic recommendations on enhancing social work practice education through Evidence-Based Practice in which schools of social work should ensure that faculty are trained in the methods of EBP.

Building the Skills of Direct Care Workers: The Alaskan core competencies initiative

This article details the development of a set of cross-sector core competencies relevant to workers in the fields of mental health, addictions, developmental and physical disabilities, and the long-term care of older adults. Also described are the related assessment tools, curriculum, and train-the...

Deprofessionalizing Social Work: Anti-Oppressive Practice, Competencies, and Postmodernism

The article argues that the globalization of the economy and the internationalization of the state are affecting social work education and practice in Britain through the competency-based approach being promoted by CCETSW and the government. This is leading to the demise of the autonomous,...

Learning by Doing: Research on the educational administration practicum

The status of the practicum (learning by doing) in educational administration preparation programmes is discussed. Research on this topic has so far been limited and the paper presents some possible new directions which the research may take.

Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) for Baccalaureate and Master’s Social Work Programs

The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) uses the Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) to accredit baccalaureate- and master’s-level social work programs.  The goal is to shape the profession’s future through the education of competent professionals, the generation of knowledge...

Building Culturally Relevant Social Work for Children in the Midst of Armed Conflict: Applying the DACUM method in Afghanistan

This paper illustrates the collaboration between the Afghan government and two international schools of social work to initiate national social work standards and curricula by engaging local practitioners in defining their work and core competencies through the DACUM (Develop-A-CUrriculuM) method.
