Reflective Supervision: Patients' Experiences of Monitoring Their Adolescents' Compliance with Diversion Order

The importance of child protection as well as the designated social workers (DSWs) assigned to them, and the jeopardy they face, is well recognized. Although there is a call to enhance DSW resilience, little is known about their resilience, and there are no guidelines to equip South African DSW supervisors to promote supervisee resilience. This article proposes resilience-enhancing guidelines for South African DSWs within reflective supervision. These suggested guidelines are based on empirical research findings pertaining to (a) a systematic meta-synthesis of DSW risk and resilience; (b) indicators of South African DSW resilience; and (c) the lived experiences of 15 resilient South African DSWs.


Zurina Abdulla, Veonna Goliath

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