Protection, Provision, Participation and Prevention: Upholding the 4P’s of Children’s Rights during COVID-19

The fifth in the series of COVID Learning Reports from The International COVID 4P Log Project, this report presents the key findings concerning best practices and innovations; challenges; and lessons learned and recommended actions for supporting children’s wellbeing during and post-COVID-19 through the lens of the 4P framework for children’s rights: protection, provision, participation and prevention.
This includes:
Protection – responses to the increased risk of violence against children; the impact of actions to protect children at the organisational, governmental and community levels on their rights and wellbeing;
Provision – restrictions and inequities in children’s access to essential goods and services during the pandemic, particularly food, health care and education, as well as the effects thereof on child safety and development;
Participation – efforts to amplify children’s voices during the pandemic; initiatives to actively involve children in decision-making, awareness-raising and service delivery; threats to the visibility, representation and perceived urgency of children’s issues; 
Prevention – considerations about the short-, medium- and long-term impact of the pandemic on children’s socio-emotional development and prosperity; interventions to promote children’s and families’ coping with stress and wellness; perceived level of priority given to children’s socio-emotional needs.
This report aims to generate new insights, and spark new questions and ideas to inform, equip and strengthen policy, service and practices for and with children and their families.


Institute for Inspiring Children’s Futures

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