Practitioner Handbook for Alternative Family- and Community- Based Care

This handbook is a summarized, user-friendly version of the operating procedures for alternative family- and community-based care options. It provides an overview of each type of care, key considerations, and the process followed for placement. The handbook aims to provide an easy and quick reference to critical information and “how to” about alternative family- and community-based care placements.
The handbook should not be considered a replacement for the detailed Alternative Family- and Community-based Care Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs); rather, it is recommended that the full SOPs are read and understood first, before this guide is used for quick reference. It also accompanies the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children in Kenya (2014), themselves, which also have a accompanying User Friendly Version.
This information guide is designed for use by practitioners, community actors, and caregivers. Cognizant that safe, suitable alternative care placements depend on effective case management, it is recommended that this guide should be used together with the Case Management for Reintegration to Family- or Community-Based Care Guidebook and Toolkit.


Changing the Way We Care

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