Motivations for entering volunteer service and factors affecting productivity: A mixed method survey of STEPS-OVC volunteer HIV caregivers in Zambia

This study was designed to examine the motivations of individuals volunteering as STEPS-OVC caregivers; to explore their experiences in service, including perceived barriers to carrying out their volunteer work and if, and how, their expectations for volunteering had been met or not; to assess individuals’ intent to continue caregiving; and to ascertain factors associated with volunteer productivity. To these ends, they applied a multi-staged, mixed-method survey of 758 active caregivers who were selected using a quota-purposive sampling frame. They collected data from fixed-choice and open-ended questions via the same survey instrument and mixed methods at the research design, analysis, and interpretation stages. Over the last several years, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has invested in large volunteer projects to support caregiving for HIV-infected and –affected adults and children in Zambia.  STEPS-OVC (Sustainability Through Economic Strengthening, Prevention, and Support for Orphans and Vulnerable Children) is a consortium of NGOs, led by World Vision International. Together, these organizations and their local collaborating partners provide a range of HIV prevention, care, and support services for community members in need, especially children. At the heart of STEPS-OVC is a network of over 30,000 volunteers who are trained in various caregiving areas and working in 72 districts throughout the country.


Zambia-led Prevention Initiative

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