Current practices on data review and data use to inform supportive supervision in child protection in Moldova

The “Harnessing the Power of Data for the Benefit of the Child” project—funded by USAID and implemented by Data for Impact (D4I) in the Republic of Moldova—aims to strengthen the capacity of the government and its partners at national and subnational levels to collect, analyze, and use data to generate a positive impact on children in adversity.
To inform the capacity strengthening work, D4I assessed the capacity of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection (MOHLSP), the National Social Assistance Agency (NSAA) and the Territorial Social Assistance Structures (TSAS) to fulfil key roles and responsibilities in monitoring and evaluation. The assessment revealed the following system challenges:
• Absence of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for data quality assurance and data use,• Poor coordination in the area of monitoring and evaluation between central and rayon/municipal levels, and • Weak capacities at all levels for data quality assurance and data use to inform decision making
Based on the results of the assessments, monitoring and evaluation capacity strengthening plans were developed, including D4I specific support measures, such as the development of supportive supervision guidelines that NSAA could use to facilitate regular data review and data use at the rayon/municipal level.
This paper provides a review of the current national and international practices for data review and data use to inform the development of these guidelines.While the paper is distinctively focused on Moldova it could help inform similar work elsewhere.


Data for Impact

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