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Job Burnout and Affective Wellbeing: A longitudinal study of burnout and job satisfaction among public child welfare workers

This paper discusses research on the proposed interrelationships of workplace demands and resources as predictors of burnout development and the subsequent impact of burnout on affective worker well-being (e.g. job satisfaction). The study uses longitudinal data collected from a sample of public...

Para-Social Work to Address Most Vulnerable Children in Sub-Sahara Africa: A case example in Tanzania

This article describes training and utilization of para-social workers to the social service needs of children and families. These supervised para-professional community based staff and volunteers can fill gaps in serving the needs of children and families, particularly where social welfare systems...

Optimizing Health Worker Roles to Improve Access to Key Maternal and Newborn Health Interventions Through Task Shifting

The recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) to optimize the roles of health workers aims to address shortages in the health workforce that slow progress toward the health-related Millennium Development Goals. Optimization is expected to improve access and cost-effectiveness by...

Sector Skills Plan Update 2014-2015 for the Period 2015-2020

The article highlights the impact of policies in the health and social development sectors and the factors that constitute major shifts in the sector. The Health and Welfare Sector Education and Training Authority's (HWSETA) skills development priorities were identified, together with the...

Child welfare outcomes 2008-2011

The reports provide information on state and national performance in operating child protection and child welfare programs. It also presents performance in seven outcome categories, which were identified in close consultation with state and local child welfare agency administrators, child advocacy...

Better Care, Better Volunteering

With growing interest in volunteer-tourism around the world, there is an increasing trend of volunteering within residential care centres such as orphanages and children’s homes. There is a critical need to raise awareness of the risks of harm involved in these volunteering practices, through...

Summary Report of the 3rd Annual Global Social Service Workforce Symposium

The Global Social Service Workforce Alliance hosted its 3rd Annual Symposium on June 2nd, 2016. The event was held at the Birdsall House Conference Center in Washington, DC and also via live webcast. Just over 300 participants from 25 countries across NGOs, government, academia, donors and others...

Challenges Faced by Unaccompanied Minor-refugees in South Africa

This qualitative study explored the experiences of unaccompanied minor-refugees from Zimbabwe to South Africa. The findings revealed that services by statutory social workers were limited, compared to services by social workers employed in non-governmental organizations. It highlights the...

Psychosocial Support for Pregnant Women and Families Affected by Microcephaly and Other Neurological Complications in the Context of Zika Virus

This report provides recommendations on how workers should address the psychosocial needs of women affected by Zika.

HIV-Sensitive Care Force Planning

Presentations from the Coalition for Children Affected by AIDS Care Force Conference include HIV-sensitive care, demography of the family care force and caregiver supportive policies.
