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Supporting the Child Care and Workforce Development Needs of TANF Families

This report outlines the opportunities offered by workforce development and child care subsidy systems in the United States but also highlights the challenges of meeting the complex needs of these highly disadvantaged families and identifies implications for federal and state policy improvements,...

Cadre Commun des Compétences des Para Professionnels

Fonctions et compétences pour les travailleurs sociaux para professionnels.

Cash for Care: Making Social Protection Work for Children Care and Well-being

In order for cash transfers to improve care, social service workers must not be over-burdened with excessive administration of grants and they must promote meaningful links between social and child protection systems.

HIV-Sensitive Care Force Planning: Action items to ensure support & resources for caregivers of children affected by HIV

A group of stakeholders was convened to identify the necessary interventions, research, advocacy and investment required to meet the unique needs of those responsible for the unpaid care of children affected by HIV. The outcome of this discussion was a set of action items intended to better support...

Strengthening Uganda’s National Response for Implementation of Services for Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children (SUNRISE-OVC)

Working in close collaboration with national and local government structures, SUNRISE-OVC was focused on four result areas: 1) Local governments effectively plan, manage and coordinate implementation of comprehensive OVC Services at all levels; 2) Increased demand and utilization of OVC data and...

The Causes and Consequences of Worker Turnover - Research Findings

A stable and highly-skilled child welfare workforce is necessary to meet the critical needs of vulnerable children and their families. High turnover of child welfare workers is a major contributor to the failure of child welfare organizations to meet state and federal goals. The GAO presents some...

Isibindi Programme Effects on Service Delivery and Community Capacity to Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children in South Africa: A formative evaluation

The Isibindi programme, developed by the National Association of Child Care Workers (NACCW) in 2005, is specifically designed to meet the needs of OVC, their families and communities. This report describes a formative evaluation of the Isibindi programme initiated in mid-2014, two years after the...

Guidelines: National Guidelines for Village Child Development Committees - Promoting children's rights together

This manual is for sharing lessons learned from the establishment and implementation of village level child rights promotion mechanisms by various government and non-government actors. The manual provides recommendations on community mobilization and managing ongoing relationships with communities...

The Social Service Workforce as Related to Child Protection in Southeast Europe: A regional overview

Summary and regional overview of the social service workforce—with a focus on those engaged in the child protection system— in southeast Europe today
