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A Case for Investing in HIV-Sensitive Social Services for Vulnerable Children in Nigeria

A desk review was conducted to examine the current gaps in investment related to care and treatment for children living with or affected by HIV.There is a need for an investment case to clearly articulate and advocate for increased financial support for an HIV sensitive social service system that...

Using a Systems Approach at the Community-Level in a Human Resource Constrained Context

This case study highlights aspects of a case management system and referral mechanism utilized by OVC programs within Mozambique that could be identified as a hub and spoke model of referral mechanism.

The Grand Challenges of Social Work: Deaf children in the child welfare system

Deaf children involved with child welfare systems are often overlooked both in terms of tracking and service delivery. These systems frequently do not offer accessible and equitable services to deaf children. The current paper explores this in terms of the Social Work Grand Challenge: Healthy...

Strengthening and Supporting the Early Childhood Workforce: Training and professional development

To increase the evidence base on the benefits of early childhood development, a four-part series of global landscape analyses are being conducted to establish the size and scope of the challenges faced by the early childhood workforce, while also highlighting promising practices countries have...

Parental Resilience: Protective and Promotive Factors Action Sheet

Constructive and supportive social connections help buffer parents from stressors and support nurturing parenting behaviors that promote secure attachments in young children. Therefore, parents’ high quality social connections are beneficial to both the adults and the children.

Strengthening and Supporting the Early Childhood Workforce: Competences and standards

To inform and guide the Early Childhood Workforce Initiative, this global landscape analysis aims to establish the size and scope of the challenges faced by the early childhood workforce, while also highlighting promising practices countries have adopted in response to these challenges. Covering a...

Referral Mechanisms for Children Orphaned or Made Vulnerable by HIV

Linkages between the social service system are especially relevant within OVC programming given that children and families affected by HIV and other adversities tend to have multiple vulnerabilities that require services and support provided by both sectors. This brief provides an overview of...

Coaching in Child Welfare

This training presentation is aimed at child welfare administrators, managers and supervisors for understanding the potential role of coaching and considerations for its use to support their workforce.

Working in Partnership to Improve Children's Safety and Well-being: The May'khethele Programme in South Africa

One of the objectives of the May’khethele Programme is to build capacity across different levels of the social service workforce.

Safety, Trust, and Disclosure: A qualitative examination of violence against refugee adolescents in Kiziba Camp, Rwanda

Refugee adolescents face increased vulnerability to child protection risks including abuse, neglect, violence, and exploitation. The aim of this qualitative study was to examine the nature of violence against adolescents in Kiziba Camp, Rwanda, using an ecological framework to analyze the factors...
