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The Role of Rights-Based Social Work in Contemporary Latin American Diasporas: The case of Venezuelan migrant children

This article provides a children’s rights-based approach for social workers who are directly involved in social work with migrant children. Even though the scope of analysis was directed to the experience of Venezuelan migrant children, this research can serve as an important source to guide social...

Family Strengthening: A collection of best practices from Eastern Europe

This report is a compilation of assessments on best practices in family strengthening in middle-income countries in order to provide policy-makers, service providing organizations and child protection and child rights practitioners with a tool for program implementation.

Accelerating Action to Address Violence Against Women and Children in Tanzania

As the field of violence prevention and response continues to grow, the long-term, multi-sectoral coordination model piloted in Tanzania is often cited as a model for impact, capacity-building, ownership and momentum.

Multi-Country Review of the State of the Social Service Workforce in the Middle East and North Africa Region

Data from this review in eight countries is intended to guide and assist country-level action plans to strengthen the social service workforce.

A Goal Within Reach: Ending the institutionalization of children to ensure no one is left behind

Children and young people who, for various reasons, live without the care of their parents or those who are at risk of losing it are the most exposed to poverty, discrimination, and exclusion – factors that, in turn, can make them more vulnerable to abuse, exploitation, and abandonment. The...

Good Professional Practices for Promoting Positive Parenting and Child Participation in the Reunification Processes

This study was conducted with 106 professionals who work in the child protection system in Spain. The results show a high degree of consensus among professionals regarding the following practices: (a) incorporating positive parenting into family reunification processes; (b) training the biological...

Children’s Voices: Children’s experiences of instability in the care system

Interviews with children are supplemented with data regarding instability in the care system. Children describe how changing social workers increases unsettling and upsetting experiences when they move and change schools. Building long-lasting and stable relationships with social workers improves...

The Overlap Between the Child Welfare and Youth Justice Systems in Manitoba, Canada

Manitoba has one of the highest rates of children taken into care of child welfare services in the world, and also one of the highest youth incarceration rates in Canada. Policy-makers recognize there is overlap between these systems. This article aims to investigate some of those reasons, and also...

Training Early Childhood Intervention Workers to Close a Workforce Gap

This country brief examines the development and implementation of a pre-and in-service training program in Georgia for the early childhood intervention (ECI) workforce and the creation of accreditation mechanisms for building the capacity of ECI services.

Combining Training with Job Security to Improve the Quality of the Childcare Workforce

This country brief from the Philippines analyzes nationally supported training efforts to improve the knowledge and skills of personnel, as well as local efforts to address working conditions and job security.
