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COVID-19: Protecting Children from Violence, Abuse, and Neglect in the Home

Some COVID-19 prevention measures have abruptly cut children off from positive and supportive relationships they rely on when in distress, including at school, in the extended family, and in the community. Children’s rights to safety and protection as outlined in the Convention on the Rights of the...

Social Service Workforce Safety and Wellbeing during the COVID-19 Response - Recommended Actions

This document is intended to provide guidance on how to support the social service workforce and empower them to safely serve children, families, and communities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Taking Care of Yourself

Child welfare work is hard so it is necessary to implement a protective cares framework for taking care of self and others.

The De-Institutionalization Debate and Global Priority for Childrens Care

Multiple factors stand behind low global priority for children’s care, including the limited power of affected children and families, the issue’s multi-sectoral nature and competition for attention with other social welfare issues. This paper reviews those issues as it relates to prioritization of...

Child Protection Case Management Guidance for Remote Phone Follow-up in Covid-19

This document is intended to support case workers through Child Protection (CP) Case Management processes during the COVID-19 outbreak response in Lebanon. CP case management is normally a long-term process which can take several months depending on the unique needs of the child, their coping...

Parent/Caregiver Guide to Helping Families Cope With the Coronavirus Disease 2019

In the event of an outbreak in your community, as a parent/caregiver, your first concern is about how to protect and take care of your children and family. Knowing important information about the outbreak and learning how to be prepared can reduce your stress and help calm likely anxieties. This...

COVID-19: How to include marginalized and vulnerable people in risk communication and community engagement

Women, the elderly, adolescents, youth, and children, persons with disabilities, indigenous populations, refugees, migrants, and minorities experience the highest degree of socio-economic marginalization. Marginalized people become even more vulnerable in emergencies.

Interim Guidance on Scaling-up COVID-19 Outbreak in Readiness and Response Operations in Camps and Camp-like Settings

This Interim Guidance is intended for field coordinators, camp managers and public health personnel, as well as national and local governments and the wider humanitarian community working in humanitarian situations, including camps and camp-like settings, who are involved in the decision making and...

Save the Children COVID-19 Program Framework and Guidance

This resource provides guidance to Save the Children and its related programs on mitigating the impacts of COVID-19 for vulnerable groups. It includes guidance on child protection, child participation, MHPSS, child safeguarding and integration of services.

Guidance Note: Protection of Children during Infectious Disease Outbreaks

Children in particular are vulnerable during infectious disease outbreaks for a variety of reasons.
