Staff Retention in Family Services Workbook 5 – The First Six Months

The purpose of this training and series of workbooks is to increase child and family service agencies’ effectiveness in developing and retaining their staff by applying information from research and best retention practices to their work. The foundation for this material is the important mission of child and family service to provide safety, permanence and well being for children, within a context of family-centered practice. Underpinning this foundation is a heightened sensitivity to the potential impact of significant emotional events on child and family service professionals which can lead to excessive stress, burnout and, possibly, secondary trauma. Workbook 5 – The First Six Months: provides a structure, methods and tools for orienting, supporting and training new staff during their first six months on the job, with particular attention to helping staff cope with and manage the stressors of the job.


Gary Anderson, Judith McKenzie, John McKenzie, Rosemary Jackson

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