Taking Care of the Caregivers: The moderating role of reflective supervision in the relationship between COVID-19 stress and the mental and professional well-being of the IECMH workforce

This study examined the relationships between COVID-related stress, mental health and professional burnout in the infant and early child mental health (IECMH) workforce and examined reflective supervision and consultation (RSC) as a potential protective factor in the context of COVID-related stress. Participants included 123 adults (n = 121 female, modal age range 30–39 years) in the TN IECMH workforce (mean years of experience = 13.6 years) surveyed in June/July 2020.
The study also seeks to examine the impact of COVID-related stress on general stress, anxiety, depression, and professional burnout in the IECMH workforce. Further, the study will examine the role of self-care behaviors as a possible mechanism through which COVID-related stress impacts provider well-being and examine reflective supervision and consultation (RSC) as a professional resource that is associated with lowering the detrimental impact of COVID-related stress on self-care.


Diana Morelen, Julia Najm, Megan Wolff, Kelly Daniel

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