Psychological First Aid for Foster Families: Training for Frontline Workers

This training has been designed for social workers in Moldova who are working with foster families caring for unaccompanied and separated children and adolescents who have fled the crisis in Ukraine. This guide and its accompanying slides use a psychological first aid framework based on upon the World Health Organization’s Psychological First Aide Guide for Field Workers (2011). The content also integrates trauma-informed principles (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (2014) and information from Parenting a Child who has Experienced Trauma from the Child Welfare Information Gateway (2014).
The guide has been designed so that it can be offered online or in person and should be led by staff who have a foundational understanding of psychosocial support (PSS) skills, but who would also benefit from a framework on how to approach PSS in an emergency setting.


Changing the Way We Care

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