Social work supervision in the disability field: a systematic literature review

This study aims to systematically review the landscape of social work supervision within the disability field, prompted by the rising global prevalence of individuals with disabilities and the imperative for specialized training and supervision in this domain. The systematic review adhered to PRISMA guidelines, utilizing six databases (PsychNet, PubMed, ERIC, Social Services Abstracts, SCOPUS, and EBSCO). Eight articles were included, and a thematic analysis method was utilized to extract key themes from the findings of the studies. Several themes emerged, encompassing supervision gaps in disability support, mapping supervision in the disability field with a focus on content, methods, and organizational aspects. This systematic review emphasizes the necessity of comprehensive disability-specific social work supervision. An integrated model with administrative, educational, and supportive components, as well as key components focused on social work practice in the disability field, is proposed.


Ayelet Gur

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