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Supervision for Staff of Family Care First/React Partner Organizations

The purpose of this research project is to learn the current landscape of supervision practices within the FCF | REACT network organizations in context of their capacity, supervisory needs, achievements and challenges.

Ethical Challenges Faced by Social Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Research findings highlight strong commonalities on the challenges that social workers are facing as essential workers in the fight against COVID-19.

Global Status Report on Preventing Violence Against Children 2020

The Global status report on preventing violence against children 2020 charts countries’ progress towards the SDGs aimed at ending violence against children.

COVID-19 and Child Labour: A time of crisis, a time to act

This report outlines the challenges and potential back-slide in progress toward ending child labour resulting from COVID-19. To mitigate the impact and protect children's rights, several key actions and recommendations are outlined, including deeming the social service workforce as essential...

Basic Psychosocial Skills: A guide for COVID-19 Responders

Basic psychosocial support skills are at the core of any Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) intervention. Such skills are also indispensable for many others involved in the COVID-19 response, whether they identify as an MHPSS provider or not. Thus, this guide is meant for all COVID-19...

Expedited Case Management Process for Permanent Placement in Families after COVID-19 Lockdown

This document aims to support in determining feasibility of permanent placement and expedite family-based care in families in which children were placed quickly and without proper preparation during COVID-19 lockdown. The goal is for children to remain in their placement after the lockdown ends, if...

Keeping Children Safe in Uganda COVID-19 Response

This briefing paper by the "Joining Forces" coalition of ChildFund, Plan International, Save the Children, SOS Children's Villages, Terre des Hommes and World Vision details the increasing impacts of violence, GBV and MHPSS on children and issues messages to governments and donors on actions they...

Child and Adolescent Survivors of Sexual Violence and COVID-19 Key Considerations and Practical Guidance

This document provides key considerations and practical guidance for case management actors and coordination groups supporting child and adolescent survivors of sexual violence (child and adolescent survivors) in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It builds on existing guidance developed by the...

Core Competency Framework for the Protection of Children

This Core Competency Framework has been developed for all disciplines, professions and staff groups undertaking a clinical role within NHS Scotland. The twin aims of the framework are (1) to describe the key areas of child protection work that are common and core across all disciplines, professions...

Training of Child Protection Actors on Key Competencies in Caring for Children in Adversity and their Families: A guide for trainers and child protection actors

This guide has been designed to strengthen the competencies of child protection actors. The first part of the guide is intended for those who train child protection actors and is based on a child protection competency matrix. It presents the training methodology to strengthen essential knowledge,...
