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Moving Towards Children as Partners in Child Protection in COVID-19 Guide from Participation to Partnerships

Although the limitations of promoting children’s participation during COVID-19 are strong, child rights and child protection organizations that serve children should also have an obligation to engage with children. This engagement, which is likely to begin as consultation, will help organizations...

Issues and Challenges With COVID-19: Interventions Through Social Work Practice and Perspectives

Social workers are working at all levels - macro, mezzo, and micro - and adjusting their practices by temporarily discontinuing face-to-face services and moving to remote contact with clients, while maintaining the essential human relationships between providers and clients. This article highlights...

Early Childhood Matters - Advances in early childhood development

This resource is a compilation of articles on topics related to early childhood development during COVID-19. The 'Scaling' section explores the implementation of diverse early childhood policies and programmes in different parts of the world and the challenges that must be considered when working...

COVID-19 and Violence against Women and Children - A Second Research Round Up

This follow up report reviews 28 new studies on violence against women and children during COVID-19 and details some of the challenges providers face in providing services to those affected and recommends that additional attention and reporting on ethics is needed to ensure a ‘do no harm’ approach.

Linking, Aligning and Convening Gender-Based Violence and Violence Against Children: Prevention and Response Services in Uganda’s Refugee-Hosting Districts

This publication details some of the responsive services and needs for holistic support to refugees, including mental health and psychosocial support. Community-based structures, such as para-social workers, child protection committees, and village health teams, play a key role in providing...

Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action & INSPIRE strategies: A Guide to Complementarity and Use in Humanitarian Action

The Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, initially released in 2012 and revised in 2019, and the 2016 INSPIRE seven strategies package to end violence against children both promote similar approaches and principles to ensure that every child can grow up safe and secure. In...

Case Study on Family-Based Care - ACE Zambia

Drawing upon the case study of ACE Zambia this paper seeks to demonstrate the merit of family-based care as the prefered method of care for vulnerable children. The goal is to demonstrate a working model of family-based care as replicable framework that can be modified for other regions and...

Still Unprotected - Humanitarian funding for child protection

Throughout 2020, the impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic and the containment measures have layered risk upon risk for children in humanitarian crises. Although the overall funding for child protection is increasing, the funding gap remains wide due to the needs increasing at an alarming rate. As...

Guidance Manual on Strengthening Supervision for the Social Service Workforce

This manual defines what is meant by supervision in social services, outlines the key elements of good practice in supervision and summarizes the different forms of supervision.

Data-informed Recommendations for Services Providers Working with Vulnerable Children and Families during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Drawing from 87 survey responses from NGOs on how their service provision was affected during COVID-19, data revealed that the pandemic and restrictive measures were associated with increased risk factors for vulnerable children and families, including not having access to vital services.
