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Uprooted: The Growing Crisis for Refugee and Migrant Children

This report provides data and legal frameworks on children migrants from both a global and continent-by-continent perspective. It also includes six key recommendations for the protection of these children, including keeping families together as the best way to protect children and give children...

Mainstreaming Psychosocial Care and Support into Economic Strengthening Programmes

This resource includes six steps for enhancing the scope of psychosocial support in economic strengthening programs.

Health Inequalities and Intersectionality

Intersectionality as an approach and as a practice has emerged as one of the promising ways to promote health equity and social justice. It also helps us to consider how these positions interact with, and constituted by, social policy and social structures.

South African Child Gauge 2016

An annual publication that provides a snap-shot of the status of South Africa’s children, the 2016 issue focuses on children social assistance.

Community Workers Guide to Understanding Gender-Based Violence and Child Protection Basic Concepts

This manual aims to improve understanding of gender-based violence and child protection issues in the community,, and how to address these issues.

Child Protection Legislation in Pakistan: Bringing international child rights obligations and local values together

In this journal article, suggestions are offered to address issues for the evolving child protection system in Pakistan, including the challenge of defining the concept of child protection for practice; the establishment of formal administrative and institutional structures (including secondary...

European Recommendations on the Implementation of a Child Rights-Based Approach for Care Professionals Working with and for Children

This report highlights the steps to be undertaken to develop a child care service workforce capable of applying a child rights-based approach to their work.

Bridging the Gap: The impact of home visiting programs for orphans and vulnerable children on social grant uptake in South Africa

Cash transfer programs hold significant potential to mitigate the economic burdens resulting from the HIV epidemic and enhance the wellbeing of affected children. South Africa offers two cash transfers, and comparison studies show that OVC programs that are staffed with trained paraprofessionals...

Home Visiting Programs for HIV-affected Families: A comparison of service quality between volunteer-driven and paraprofessional models

Home visiting is a popular component of programs for HIV-affected children in sub-Saharan Africa, but its implementation varies widely. While some home visitors are lay volunteers, other programs invest in more highly trained paraprofessional staff.

Sexual Behavior Among Young Carers in the Context of a Kenyan Empowerment Program Combining Cash-Transfer, Psychosocial Support, and Entrepreneurship

This study examined associations between sexual initiation, unprotected sex, and having multiple sex partners in the past year with participation in a three-year empowerment program targeting orphan and vulnerable children (OVC). A Kenya-based program combines community-conditioned cash transfer,...
