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Building a National Child Protection System in Ghana: From evidence to policy and practice

In Ghana, the process of strengthening the child protection system is following the appropriate path from evidence to policy to practice. It began in 2010 with analysis and mapping of the existing child protection system, which found it to be inadequate. This work provided a strong evidence base...

Transitioning to Family Care for Children Tool Kit

This toolkit includes several components for developing a child-centered case management plan.

Creating a Modern and Responsive Health and Human Services System: A Report to Federal Policymakers on the Evolution and Transformation of the Nation's HHS System: Guiding principles, policy priorities, and helpful tools

Health and human serving system leaders are rejecting one-size fits all programming in favor of new approaches that are innovative, efficient, effective, and responsive to the needs and demands of a dynamic and rapidly changing society. This paper introduces H/HS multi-year efforts to drive change...

A Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings

This document provides guidance in the assessment, research, design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) programs in emergency settings.

Realiser les Droits d'Enfant: Manual pour la Formation des Professionnels de la Prise en Charge Alternative

L’atteinte de cet objectif passe en particulier par des partenariats avec des institutions internationales et des acteurs de la société civile tant nationaux qu’internationaux. Ces partenariats ont permis l’élaboration des Standards « Quality4Children » pour la prise en charge des enfants hors du...

Building an Evidence-Driven Child Welfare Workforce: An university-agency partnership

This article describes the effort to build and support continuous quality improvements that enable child welfare systems to better respond to needs of local populations and connect strategies to results. The system described here is a public-private child welfare agency-university partnership.

Social Protection for Informal Workers in Asia

Case studies from several countries in Asia provide examples of designing and delivering social protection programs for informal sector workers.

What Are We Learning About Protecting Children in the Community? An inter-agency review of evidence on community-based child protection mechanisms executive summary

National child protection systems include more formal, governmental mechanisms and also less formal, civil society mechanisms, such as traditional justice systems. Although this approach is widely used and supported by international agencies, there is at present a lack of robust evidence about the...

The Role of Para-Social Workers in Creating Community-led Approaches to Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse: Case study on child protection within OVC programs

With guidance and training in child protection district officials and community leaders worked together to map vulnerable households and issues in communities, organize and fortify orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) response committees at the district and sub-county levels, and train PSWs to...

Child Violence Experiences in Institutionalised/Orphanage Care

This paper is a literature review of the prevalence of violence against children in institutionalized care, particularly orphanages, and the negative results on development and well-being. The authors show how staff training and better systems of care can be effective interventions.
