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Child Protection Resource Pack: How to plan, monitor and evaluate child protection programmes

The purpose of this resource pack is to strengthen the evidence base of child protection through clear and practical guidance for improved planning and M&E practices and documentation of good practices and lessons learned, in line with the main approaches in UNICEF’s Child Protection Strategy (...

The Lost Ones - Emergency care and family tracing for separated children from birth to five years

This guide describes how to care for the youngest children who are separated from their families in emergencies. This working guide also provides information on how parents and humanitarian workers can prevent children from becoming separated during emergencies in the first place. In the event of...

HIV and Caregiver Common Mental Disorder: Synergistic Impacts on Child Development and Entry Points for Interventions

This reviews published literature on the mental health status of mothers living with HIV (MLH) and how this affects their children. It offers several recommends for integrating mental health services into delivery of other health and HIV services, including home visiting programs, collaboration...

Family Care for Children with Disabilities: Practical guidance for frontline workers in LMICs

This resource was written particularly for those who have little or no experience working with children with disabilities.

Accelerating Children's Care Reform - Zambia National Consultation

A three-day consultative meeting held in Zambia in 2016 sought to identify key issues and recommendations towards an accelerated care reform process in Zambia. Specifically the meeting sought to identify challenges and gaps which may be hindering the care reform process and to identify priority...

Better Parenting Facilitator Manual

Better Parenting Nigeria is a discussion peer learning and sharing model. Exchange is promoted by a parenting facilitator posing questions, guiding the discussion and emphasizing good practices, encouraging participation, praising examples of good parenting, and gently correcting information if...

Including Children with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action

This guidance consists of six booklets full of practical actions and tips. The booklets cover: general guidance, nutrition, health & HIV/AIDS, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), child protection, and education. Available in English, Arabic & French

Disability Inclusion in Psychosocial Support Programs in Lebanon: Guidance for psychosocial support facilitators

Comprised of eight tools, this toolkit is designed to support PSS facilitators to strengthen inclusion of children and adolescents with disabilities in a range of PSS activities, including community-based and focused activities.

Gender-based Violence Against Children and Youth with Disabilities: A toolkit for child protection actors

As part of a larger toolkit, this section provide capacity development tools on disability inclusion into GBV programming. The activities and content presented in these tools are intended to be integrated and mainstreamed throughout core child protection and GBV training packages, including through...

Cash Plus: Linking cash transfers to services and sectors

In recognition of the limitations of cash alone, governments (sometimes in partnership with other actors) have introduced ‘Cash Plus’ initiatives, which provide regular cash transfers plus additional support or linkages to services in a bid to extend and maximize positive impacts.
