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Handbook on Counselling and Psychosocial Care for Children and Adolescents Living with and Affected by HIV in Africa

This handbook provides a comprehensive guide for providers who work in counselling and psychological care of children and adolescents. It includes information on mental health; child protection; counselling and communication; disclosure; transition of care; support systems; and monitoring and...

NGOs and the Policy‐making Process in Russia: The case of child welfare reform

This article explores the issue of the major reform of the child welfare sector that has been carried out in Russia in recent years, and argues that Russian child welfare nongovernmental organizations have acted in concert with government officials to act as policy entrepreneurs in framing the...

3 Principles to Improve Outcomes for Children and Families

The science of child development and the core capabilities of adults point to a set of “design principles” that policymakers and practitioners in many different sectors can use to improve outcomes for children and families. This resource lists three specific principles: support responsive...

Change and Implementation in Practice

Implementation science literature emphasizes the importance of teaming—the process of working together as a team, including understanding how teams are formed and how they function. This brief can help child welfare agency leaders, managers, and stakeholders build teams to guide the change and...

Building an Effective Child Protection System in India: Integrating a Rights-Based Perspective in Social Work Education Within a Strategy of Developing Professional Association

The urgent need to strengthen the child protection system in India is presented in the context of the Integrated Child Protection Scheme and relevant juvenile justice legislation. Although the whole system is discussed, from national to local levels, the emphasis is on systems development with a...

Human Resources for Health (HRH): Principles and Practices

This course is intended to orient learners to the basic principles and promising practices related to health workforce development and strengthening.

Technical Brief: Investment Case for the HIV Workforce in Uganda

This brief outlines the critical importance to understand government capacity and willingness to increase and maximize the efficiency of investments in HRH for HIV.

Interventions Addressing Ritualistic Child Sexual Abuse in Post-Conflict Eastern DRC: Reflections on child welfare policy and programming

Ritualistic child sexual abuse (RCSA) is an under-recognized and poorly addressed form of child maltreatment that requires urgent action, yet little has been done to address it. This article suggests some implications for social work training and practice as well as child welfare policy and...

Building Evidence for the Effectiveness of Workforce Interventions: The Quality Improvement Center for Workforce Development Approach

This presentation demonstrates the need for effective, research-supported strategies to improve recruitment and retention of the child welfare workforce.

Child Protective Services: A Guide for Caseworkers 2018

This manual examines the roles and responsibilities of child protective services (CPS) workers. It describes the purposes, key decisions and issues of each stage of the CPS process and strategies for casework supervision, training and support.
