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HIV Prevention Ambassador Toolkit

The HIV Prevention Ambassador toolkit includes colorful, 1-page handouts and worksheets in a booklet format that trained HIV Prevention Ambassadors can use to conduct peer support, community discussions, and other activities. The toolkit is designed to accompany the Ambassador Training Package and...

Child Protection Information Management System+ Summary Report

The Child Protection Information Management System+ (CPIMS+) database is one of the modules in the broader open-source and browser-based Primero (Protection-related information management for emergency response operations) software platform.1 The CPIMS+ is the module that supports child protection...

Learning from Significant Case Reviews

This report presents the findings from analyses of 25 significant case reviews that concerned 44 children and young people, carried out by child protection committees in Scotland between 1 April 2015 and 31 March 2018.  Twenty-two out of the 25 SCRs related to incidences of child abuse and/ or...

Integrating Social Protection and Early Childhood Development: Open trial of a family home-visiting intervention, Sugira Muryango

This study aimed to assess the feasibility and acceptability of a home-visiting intervention to promote early childhood development, improve parenting and shared decision-making, and reduce violence in impoverished Rwandan households.

Promoting Complex Needs, Partnership and Parenting in Child Protection

Families living on the edge of child protection face a number of problems at the same time. Complexity of service needs requires a much more client-centric approach and assumes that service providers are able to adapt to the changed socio-economic environment. The study draws attention to the...

Raising Concerns in the Workplace: Guidance for employers, social service workers and social work students

This guidance explains the difference between raising a concern and whistleblowing and when a person raising a concern qualifies for legal protection under whistleblowing law. The section for employers and managers gives guidance about how to deal with concerns and indicates what kind of culture,...

The Overlap Between the Child Welfare and Youth Justice Systems in Manitoba, Canada

Manitoba has one of the highest rates of children taken into care of child welfare services (Child and Family Services; CFS) in the world, and also one of the highest youth incarceration rates in Canada. There is substantial overlap between the child welfare and youth justice systems, with...

Peer Networking and Capacity Building for Child Protection Professionals – Lessons from “ChildHub”

Child protection systems across the global South suffer from common problems, one of the most critical among which is low number and skills of relevant professionals to deliver services. Additionally, child protection professionals are often demotivated, uncoordinated and isolated, with limited...

2019 Prevention Resource Guide

The 2019 Prevention Resource Guide is designed to help individuals and organizations in every community strengthen families and prevent child abuse and neglect. It includes chapters on: Strengthening Individuals, Families and Communities; Working With Families Using the Protective-Factors; Using...

Why We Decided to Transition from Residential to Family-based Care

The Child Rescue Centre became the first orphanage in Sierra Leone to fully transition from residential to family-based care. The decision to transition was made for many reasons, but the most unique reason is found in the story of Child Rescue Centre Director, Mohamed Nabieu. Nabieu, brought to...
