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Rising Stronger Together: Nurturing Resilience in Teams

This webinar, from the U.S. Office of Victims of Crime Training and technical Assistance Center, focuses on understanding the impact of vicarious trauma on teams and how collaborative partnerships are essential for delivering high quality services to victims and survivors and mitigating the impact...

EQUIP - Ensuring Quality in Psychological Support

Ensuring Quality in Psychological Support is a joint WHO/UNICEF project to improve the competence of helpers and the consistency and quality of training and service delivery.

ASEAN Regional Guidance on “Empowering Women and Children: Delivering Quality Social Work Services for Those at Risk of or Affected by Violence

This Regional Guidance aims to support policymakers and members of the social service workforce and allied sectors in The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Member States  to design and deliver quality social work services for women and children at risk of or who have experienced...

Factors Influencing Child Protection Competence of Social Workers in Hanoi, Vietnam

This study aimed to determine factors influencing child protection competence of social workers in social service institutions providing child protection services in Hanoi, Vietnam and measure the influence of these factors on their child protection competence.

Contemporary Challenges Facing Social Work in Turkey: Would Global Agenda Be Relevant?

The Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development (GA) aims at strengthening the social work profession by building linkages between global challenges and local responses. Against the neoliberal conservative policy transformation in the last two decades, this article focuses on the effects...

Integrating the Global Agenda of Social Work and Social Development in the Republic of Cyprus

Cyprus is a nation of great history, old and new, that makes up a controversial and often stressful environment in which social work is practiced. The intent of this paper is to highlight the Cypriot context and discuss how the Global Agenda is integrated in it.

Strengthening the Social Service Workforce: Findings from a Cross-Country Assessment

This webinar, hosted by the U.S. Government’s Advancing Protection and Care for Children in Adversity (APCCA) secretariat and Data for Impact, highlighted the critical role of the social service workforce, exploring and identifying the strengths and limitations of different approaches to strengthen...

COVID-19: Experiences of Social Workers Supporting Older Adults With Dementia in Nigeria

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous public health protocols were instituted by government agencies to safeguard individuals with dementia, their family caregivers, and formal care providers. While these preventive measures were implemented with good intentions, they inadvertently imposed...

COVID-19: Experiences of Social Workers Supporting Older Adults With Dementia in Nigeria

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous public health protocols were instituted by government agencies to safeguard individuals with dementia, their family caregivers, and formal care providers. While these preventive measures were implemented with good intentions, they inadvertently imposed...

Social work beyond the pandemic: Exploring social work values for a new eco-social world

This article draws on a series of international research-focused webinars with social workers in 2022. They were designed to examine the rethinking of professional values during the pandemic in the context of other global crises, particularly the climate emergency. Participants readily shared...
