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Protection, Provision, Participation and Prevention: Upholding the 4P’s of Children’s Rights during COVID-19

The fifth in the series of COVID Learning Reports from The International COVID 4P Log Project, this report presents the key findings concerning best practices and innovations; challenges; and lessons learned and recommended actions for supporting children’s wellbeing during and post-COVID-19 ...

Current practices on data review and data use to inform supportive supervision in child protection in Moldova

The “Harnessing the Power of Data for the Benefit of the Child” project—funded by USAID and implemented by Data for Impact (D4I) in the Republic of Moldova—aims to strengthen the capacity of the government and its partners at national and subnational levels to collect, analyze, and use data to...

The State of the Social Service Workforce 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has placed great strain on the social service workforce. The virus and the measures adopted to contain it have required social service organizations and workers to reorganize the way they operate to ensure the health and well-being of the communities they serve. 

National Association of Social Work Uganda 2020 Annual report

National Association of Social Work Uganda (NASWU) 2020 Annual report is a summary of key interventions and accomplishments of the professional body in line to her mandate of promoting and facilitating social work and social welfare in Uganda, the achievements are also in line with the strategic...

Pandemic Ethics: A resource for social work students, educators and practitioners

Resource which is comprised of vignettes depicting ethical challenges faced by social workers internationally during the Covid-19 pandemic. Each vignette is accompanied by a series of questions that can be used to stimulate reflection by individuals, or by groups in professional supervision/support...

Adapting Service Delivery during COVID-19: Experiences of Domestic Violence Practitioners

COVID-19 rapidly altered patterns of domestic and family violence, increasing the complexity of women’s needs, and presenting new barriers to service use. This article examines service responses in Australia, exploring practitioners’ accounts of adapting service delivery models in the early months...

Supporting Children’s Wellbeing During COVID-19: Staff Supervision, Coping and Wellbeing, and the Impact on Service Delivery

This second report in the series of COVID Learning Reports presents the findings from COVID 4P Log responses about respondents’ experiences of receiving supervision during the pandemic, as well as about their coping and wellbeing during this time. The report discusses topics such as the...

Children: The Hidden Pandemic 2021 – A joint report of COVID-19- associated orphanhood and a strategy for action

This report presents statistical data from 192 countries on children experiencing COVID-19-associated orphanhood and death of grandparent caregivers, a description of the trends in these data, a real-time COVID-19 Calculator for Death of Parents and Caregivers, and strategies and principles for...

Championing the Role of Child Welfare Professionals

Child welfare professionals have a deep and often quiet impact on children’s lives—working to connect families with resources, determining appropriate placements, and responding around the clock to address emergencies.

Public Expenditure and Children's Care - Guidance note

This guidance is designed to strengthen the capacity of government agencies in low resource settings to prepare a sound budgetary framework for policies, programs and services that aim to keep children in safe and nurturing family environments.
