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Measuring Impact Through a Child Protection Index: Time 1 & Time 2 Studies Kiryandongo and Adjumani refugee settlements, Uganda

Research conducted in two refugee settlements in Uganda is presented through a comparison of child protection system strength and child protection outcomes over a two-year period. The report also presents key lessons in methodology and the child protection situation for adolescent refugees.

Journey of Life Community Workshop to Support Children

This resource includes a series of workshops designed to support children who are facing grief. Resource mapping and action plans provide communities with an opportunity to identify their capacities and begin to act on their collective responsibility towards these children.

Protecting Children through Village-based Family Support Groups in a Post-Conflict and Refugee Setting, Northern Uganda: Case study

This example is a case study of a village-based child protection program run by Children of the World that worked with children, youth and adults in villages around the town of Kitgum offering psychosocial and livelihood support, and skills training. THe program sought to rebuild family units that...

2018 Prevention Resource Guide - Keeping Children Safe and Families Strong in Supportive Communities

The Resource Guide was created primarily to support community-based child abuse prevention professionals who work to prevent child maltreatment and promote well-being. The guide includes detailed information about six protective factors for preventing child maltreatment and tips and examples for...

Child Protection Resource Pack: How to plan, monitor and evaluate child protection programmes

The purpose of this resource pack is to strengthen the evidence base of child protection through clear and practical guidance for improved planning and M&E practices and documentation of good practices and lessons learned, in line with the main approaches in UNICEF’s Child Protection Strategy (...

HIV and Caregiver Common Mental Disorder: Synergistic Impacts on Child Development and Entry Points for Interventions

This reviews published literature on the mental health status of mothers living with HIV (MLH) and how this affects their children. It offers several recommends for integrating mental health services into delivery of other health and HIV services, including home visiting programs, collaboration...

Accelerating Children's Care Reform - Zambia National Consultation

A three-day consultative meeting held in Zambia in 2016 sought to identify key issues and recommendations towards an accelerated care reform process in Zambia. Specifically the meeting sought to identify challenges and gaps which may be hindering the care reform process and to identify priority...

What Works to End Violence Against Children? Seven things we have learned

Systems strengthening including through strengthened work of community child protection groups and stronger child protection systems are among successful strategies for ending violence against children.

Its All Relative: Supporting kinship care discussion guide for supervisors

This discussion guide is intended to accompany the video series to share ways to create a more supportive environment and develop an agency culture that responds to caregivers' needs.

HIV-Sensitive Child Protection: Training course for auxiliary social workers

The aim of the course is to develop an appropriate training program for social auxiliaries.
