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What Works to Protect Children on the Move

This rapid evidence assessment synthesized findings from 89 studies of interventions to protect children on the move to consolidate key findings while highlighting evidence gaps and data needs. The findings and suggestions are particularly relevant for policymakers and those working in social...

Integrating Social Care into the Delivery of Health Care: Moving Upstream to Improve the Nation's Health

Improving social conditions remains critical to improving health outcomes, and integrating social care into health care delivery is more relevant than ever in the context of the pandemic and increased strains placed on the U.S. health care system. The report and its related products ultimately aim...

Issues and Challenges With COVID-19: Interventions Through Social Work Practice and Perspectives

Social workers are working at all levels - macro, mezzo, and micro - and adjusting their practices by temporarily discontinuing face-to-face services and moving to remote contact with clients, while maintaining the essential human relationships between providers and clients. This article highlights...

Early Childhood Matters - Advances in early childhood development

This resource is a compilation of articles on topics related to early childhood development during COVID-19. The 'Scaling' section explores the implementation of diverse early childhood policies and programmes in different parts of the world and the challenges that must be considered when working...

COVID-19 and Violence against Women and Children - A Second Research Round Up

This follow up report reviews 28 new studies on violence against women and children during COVID-19 and details some of the challenges providers face in providing services to those affected and recommends that additional attention and reporting on ethics is needed to ensure a ‘do no harm’ approach.

Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action & INSPIRE strategies: A Guide to Complementarity and Use in Humanitarian Action

The Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, initially released in 2012 and revised in 2019, and the 2016 INSPIRE seven strategies package to end violence against children both promote similar approaches and principles to ensure that every child can grow up safe and secure. In...

Still Unprotected - Humanitarian funding for child protection

Throughout 2020, the impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic and the containment measures have layered risk upon risk for children in humanitarian crises. Although the overall funding for child protection is increasing, the funding gap remains wide due to the needs increasing at an alarming rate. As...

COVID-19 SYNTHESIS #4 - Children’s Participation

This evidence synthesis analyses emerging practices and preliminary guidance for engaging children in the response to CP challenges during the various stages of COVID-19 and other infectious disease outbreaks (e.g. Ebola). It explores both barriers and opportunities to the meaningful and authentic...

Guidance for Alternative Care Provision during COVID-19

Practical guidance on the adaptations and considerations needed to support children in alternative care or entering alternative care during COVID-19.

The Hidden Impact of COVID-19 on Child Protection and Wellbeing

A new child protection thematic report shows the impact of COVID-19 on child protection, including increased incidences of GBV and increased stressors. The report calls for government leaders and decision-makers to increase efforts to protect children from the impacts of COVID-19 by designating the...
