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Protecting Children from Violence During the Pandemic: Providers’ and Policymakers’ Best Practices, Challenges and Innovations

The third in the series of COVID Learning Reports from The International COVID 4P Log Project, this report provides in-depth findings about good practices in protecting children from violence during the pandemic, challenges to protecting children during COVID-19, and how practices have changed in...

The State of the Social Service Workforce 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has placed great strain on the social service workforce. The virus and the measures adopted to contain it have required social service organizations and workers to reorganize the way they operate to ensure the health and well-being of the communities they serve. 

Adapting Service Delivery during COVID-19: Experiences of Domestic Violence Practitioners

COVID-19 rapidly altered patterns of domestic and family violence, increasing the complexity of women’s needs, and presenting new barriers to service use. This article examines service responses in Australia, exploring practitioners’ accounts of adapting service delivery models in the early months...

Social Work in the Time of COVID-19: A Case Study from the Global South

This article explores the experiences of social workers at a non-governmental organization (NGO) involved in disaster responses to COVID-19 in a rural and resource-challenged region of Cambodia. The views of Khmer and international social workers in the NGO were gathered through an internal...

Children: The Hidden Pandemic 2021 – A joint report of COVID-19- associated orphanhood and a strategy for action

This report presents statistical data from 192 countries on children experiencing COVID-19-associated orphanhood and death of grandparent caregivers, a description of the trends in these data, a real-time COVID-19 Calculator for Death of Parents and Caregivers, and strategies and principles for...

Mainstreaming gender into social protection strategies and programmes: Evidence from 74 low- and middle-income countries

The importance of mainstreaming gender into social protection policies and programmes is increasingly recognized. However, evidence on the extent to which this is actually happening remains limited. This report contributes to filling this evidence gap by drawing on the findings of two complementary...

Review of National Social Protection Strategies

This helpdesk report reviews 10 national social protection strategies (published between 2011- 2019) in order to map their content, scope, development processes and measures of success. Each strategy was strongly shaped by its local context (e.g. how social development was defined, development...

Primary and Secondary Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Children in Ghana

The paper outlines the primary and secondary impacts of COVID-19 on children in Ghana. The paper finds that wide-reaching secondary effects of the virus and consequent mitigation and preventive measures should be addressed in multidimensional ways, across sectors.

Public Expenditure and Children's Care - Guidance note

This guidance is designed to strengthen the capacity of government agencies in low resource settings to prepare a sound budgetary framework for policies, programs and services that aim to keep children in safe and nurturing family environments.

Adapt. Imagine. Innovate. Child Protection during COVID-19: a catalogue of innovations and adaptations

This catalogue showcases many promising innovations and adaptations in child protection services by Save the Children to ensure continuity of services during COVID-19. It shares examples lessons learned as good practice that can inform others on adapting services in future health crises but also as...
