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Monitoring and evaluation

Transitioning to Family Care for Children Tool Kit

This toolkit includes several components for developing a child-centered case management plan.

MER OVC Essential Survey Indicators – Frequently Asked Questions

This document includes Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) raised by stakeholders involved in designing and implementing surveys to collect the PEPFAR Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (MER) Orphan and Vulnerable Children (OVC) Essential Survey Indicators.  MEASURE Evaluation has compiled answers...

Skills and Professional Practices for the Consolidation of the Support Group Model to Foster Families

Participatory action-research with professionals working in child protection systems throughout Spain highlights the importance of development of competencies and training for working in foster care and establishing supportive relationships with the families. Competencias y prácticas...

Para Professionals in the Social Service Workforce: Guiding Principles, Functions and Competencies - 2nd Edition

Now in French! Cette 2éme édition inclut des compétences pour 2 nouveaux groupes de travailleurs : les travailleurs sociaux para-professionnels & les agents para-professionnels de développement communautaire.

Towards the Right Care for Children: Orientations for reforming alternative care systems in Africa, Asia, Latin America

The report shows how regulation, inspection and oversight of alternative provision is underfunded and underprioritized. The report highlights the need and importance of workforce development, including training, conditions, qualifications and numbers, needed in order to for reforms in care to be...

Key Findings and Recommendations: Isibindi mid-term review

This report is a compilation of data of the impact half-way through the five-year Isibindi program, and it makes recommendations for meeting or surpassing targets by the end of the program in 2018.

Bridging the Gap: The impact of home visiting programs for orphans and vulnerable children on social grant uptake in South Africa

Cash transfer programs hold significant potential to mitigate the economic burdens resulting from the HIV epidemic and enhance the wellbeing of affected children. South Africa offers two cash transfers, and comparison studies show that OVC programs that are staffed with trained paraprofessionals...

Home Visiting Programs for HIV-affected Families: A comparison of service quality between volunteer-driven and paraprofessional models

Home visiting is a popular component of programs for HIV-affected children in sub-Saharan Africa, but its implementation varies widely. While some home visitors are lay volunteers, other programs invest in more highly trained paraprofessional staff.

Sexual Behavior Among Young Carers in the Context of a Kenyan Empowerment Program Combining Cash-Transfer, Psychosocial Support, and Entrepreneurship

This study examined associations between sexual initiation, unprotected sex, and having multiple sex partners in the past year with participation in a three-year empowerment program targeting orphan and vulnerable children (OVC). A Kenya-based program combines community-conditioned cash transfer,...

Reaching for Home: Global learning on family reintegration in low and lower-middle income countries

This report aims to consolidate experience and create opportunities for dialogue and shared learning on reintegration practices for separated children.
