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Monitoring and evaluation

Interventions for Promoting Reintegration & Reducing Harmful Behavior & Lifestyles in Street-Connected Children & Young People

This report is a review of 11 studies in 12 countries on effectiveness of intervention for street-connected children and young people that promote reintegration.

Evaluation of Child-Friendly Spaces

Child friendly spaces (CFS) have become a widely used approach to protect and provide psychosocial support to children in emergencies. However, little evidence documents their outcomes and impacts for children. This summary report includes a systematic review of existing evidence as well as six...

12 Approaches for Engaging with Children who have Suffered Sexual Abuse

This paper summarizes 12 reports documenting approaches appropriate for work with children who have experienced sexual abuse. The report covers specific practices as well as methods and approaches for working with the families of these children and the implications of different legal and policy...

Clinic-Based Peer Support by Women Living with HIV

Peer support is an important strategy for improving health outcomes, including the mental and physical health of mothers living with HIV. It also has the advantage of allowing tasks to be shifted from healthcare professionals to paraprofessionals. Research findings from a peer support study were...

Home Visiting by Community Health Workers Improves Outcomes for Mothers-Infants Over Three Years

This presentation reviews a cluster randomized controlled trial of 24 neighborhoods near Cape Town with community health workers providing 3 years of intervention to assist mothers and infants. Families receiving CHW support had reduced maternal depression and increased child cognition. Presented...

Developing & Testing Evidence-based Child Abuse Prevention Programs for AIDS-affected Families in LMIC

This presentation reviews pathways to HIV-risk, resulting child abuse and offers advice and support for stemming the problem. Presented during the symposium “Children and HIV: Start Early, Start Now! – Integrated Interventions for Young Children Born into HIV-affected Families” in Melbourne,...

Revisiting the Esoteric Question: Can non-social workers manage and supervise social workers?

This paper reflects a key ongoing debate within different contexts around the world, on which many authors have provided comment over the years, and the case of South Africa is examined.

Adolescents Living with HIV (ALHIV) Toolkit

The resources in this toolkit cover a broad range of topics related to treatment, care and support of ALHIV, including counseling, psychosocial support and promising practices.

Le Renforcement des Systemes de Protection de l'Enfance en Afrique SubSaharienne: Un Appel a l'Action

L’objectif de cette déclaration est (i) de présenter notre vision commune des systèmes de protection de l’enfance en Afrique subsaharienne et d’expliquer pourquoi ils sont importants et méritent des investissements et lancer un appel à l’action auprès des gouvernements, à l’Union africaine.

Child Welfare Trauma Training Toolkit

This toolkit is designed to teach basic knowledge, skills, and values about working with children who are in the child welfare system and who have experienced traumatic events. The toolkit teaches strategies for using trauma-informed child welfare practice to enhance the safety, permanency, and...
