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Kingdom of Lesotho Ministry of Health and Social Welfare Human Resources Development & Strategic Plan 2005-2025

This document is a combined Human Resources Development Plan and Human Resources Strategic Plan for the health and social welfare sector of Lesotho.

Strengthening Child Protection Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa

An Inter-Agency Working Paper to consolidate current thinking, examples and lessons learned about child protection system strengthening in sub-Saharan Africa and suggest a way forward.

Social Welfare Workforce Strengthening for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) Care, Support and Protection in Nigeria

This report outlines the results of a scoping visit undertaken in February 2011 by CapacityPlus to support ongoing work aimed at strengthening the social welfare workforce (SWW) for OVC care, support & protection services in Nigeria. Specifically, the focus was to facilitate and support country...

Mapping and Assessing Child Protection Systems in West and Central Africa: A five-country analysis paper

This paper presents the findings and insights generated through the mapping and assessment of national child protection systems in five West African countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Niger, Senegal and Sierra Leone.

Policy and Programming Resource Guide for Child Protection Systems Strengthening in Sub-Saharan Africa

UNICEF WCARO, UNICEF EASRO, Save the Children International, Plan International, World Vision International, African Child Policy Forum, Terre de Hommes and REPPSI have now joined forces to support national efforts through creating a new platform for learning, exchange and innovations around...

Mid Term Review of the National Plan of Action for OVC

This document presents findings of a midterm review of the national Action Plan for OVC (NPA for OVC) in Malawi. The NPA is a five year plan with the goal of building and strengthening family, community and government capacities to scale-up response for the survival, growth, protection and...

Strengthening Human Resources and Financing for Child Care and Protection Services

This paper highlights human resource and funding gaps that constrain provision of child care and protection services. It advocates for strengthening of social welfare workforce and funding to improve child care and protection services.  

Human Resource for Health Strategic Plan 2008-2013

The Strategic Plan, developed by The United Republic of Tanzania, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, engaged participation of key Human Resource for Health and Social Welfare stakeholders in addressing the human resource crisis in the health sector. The plan focuses on planning and policy...

Human Resources Management Assessment Approach

The CapacityPlus partnership has developed this human resources management (HRM) assessment approach to guide policy-makers, managers, and human resources (HR) practitioners toward better understanding and responding to HRM challenges facing their health systems.

Namibia: Strategic HR Planning Work Plan

This plan describes short-, mid-, and long-term solutions to address human resource needs and management processes.  
