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The Role of Para-Social Workers in Creating Community-led Approaches to Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse: Case study on child protection within OVC programs

With guidance and training in child protection district officials and community leaders worked together to map vulnerable households and issues in communities, organize and fortify orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) response committees at the district and sub-county levels, and train PSWs to...

Workforce Development Planning and Assessment Tool Kit

This resource includes many components for conducting a needs assessment and helping to plan and develop the workforce at US state agencies.

Responding to Child Maltreatment: A framework for mapping child protection agencies

This report aims to gather data on legal, health and social services responses to child maltreatment. The first step in this mapping exercise is to map out the network of agencies and organizations tasked with responding to child maltreatment, including government-run child protective services,...

Local mapping – What are we learning from the local contexts in terms of challenges for the workforce?

This resource provides an overview of learnings from four countries to understand and address current challenges faced by the workforce.

An Integrated Approach to Strengthening Mental Health Services in the Middle East – Policy brief

This policy brief is to urge policy makers, donors and stakeholders who are part of health systems to invest in mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) programming in prolonged crisis settings throughout the Middle East. Populations in humanitarian contexts are especially at risk for mental...

Measures of Children's Mental Health and Psychosocial Well-Being in Emergencies

This compendium lists 48 measures and approaches for assessment of the mental health and psychosocial wellbeing of children in humanitarian emergencies.

Child Protection Systems Mapping and Assessment Toolkit User’s Guide

This Mapping and Assessment Toolkit aims to provide a practical and user-friendly method to enable participants in the child protection mapping process to identify the main country child protection risks within the rights framework, and to examine the scope and capacity of the existing child...

Review of Legislation and Policies that Support the Social Service Workforce in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

This report from the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance offers a snapshot of social service workforce-supportive policies and legislation in selected countries and provides examples of aspects of legislation that feature the workforce.

Implementing Evidence-based Practice in Treatment Foster Care: A resource guide

This guide is a partial response to the needs of Foster Family-based Treatment Association  member agencies by summarizing a systematic review of the evidence base of practices relevant to providers of Treatment Foster Care. There are a number of sources that list mental health treatments that have...

National Child Protection Systems in the East Asia and Pacific Region: A review and analysis of mappings and assessments

A review of mappings and assessments of the child protection system in 14 countries. The principal purpose of the study was to consolidate existing information on the shared strengths, challenges and priorities for developing and strengthening child protection systems in the region that will better...
