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Community workers

Principles for Engaging with Families: A framework for local authorities and national organisations to evaluate and improve engagement with families

What is important is not just that engagement with families happens, but how it happens. As this booklet shows, partnership should be based on a ‘principled’ approach that recognises and builds on parents’ expertise, where professionals and parents really listen to and learn from each other in ways...

Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Capacities and Experiences

This publication is a review of International Medical Corps's philosophy and practice in providing relief and development programs and engagement in advocacy with national governments, international agencies and organizations, policy makers and donors for mental health and psychosocial support...

Community Case Management Toolkit: Tools for Planning and Design

Community case managers extend health care and treatment to hard-to-reach areas with poor access in order to improve deliver life-saving treatments and provide prompt care. Trained and supervised community health workers linked to health services provide this care. Integrated community case...

Building Foundation: Reflection from USAID's Largest OVC Program

Yekokab Berhan Program for Highly Vulnerable Children incorporated early childhood learning at the community-level to improve outcomes. Presented during the "Children and HIV: Start Early, Start Now! – Integrated Interventions for Young Children Born into HIV-affected Families” symposium in...

Clinic-Based Peer Support by Women Living with HIV

Peer support is an important strategy for improving health outcomes, including the mental and physical health of mothers living with HIV. It also has the advantage of allowing tasks to be shifted from healthcare professionals to paraprofessionals. Research findings from a peer support study were...

Home Visiting by Community Health Workers Improves Outcomes for Mothers-Infants Over Three Years

This presentation reviews a cluster randomized controlled trial of 24 neighborhoods near Cape Town with community health workers providing 3 years of intervention to assist mothers and infants. Families receiving CHW support had reduced maternal depression and increased child cognition. Presented...

Findings from the SASA! Study to assess the impact of an intervention to prevent violence against women/ reduce HIV risk

Intimate partner violence (IPV) and HIV are important and interconnected public health concerns. While it is recognized that they share common social drivers, there is limited evidence surrounding the potential of community interventions to reduce violence and HIV risk at the community level. The...

Leveraging Existing Community Structures to Reach HIV-affected Children in Early Childhood with Care and Support Services

This presentation reviews Bantwana Iniatitive's early childhood education program challenges and outcomes in Swaziland. The program is an integrated intervention that has helped to improve access to health and nutrition and improved parent and educator participation. Presented during the symposium...

Developing & Testing Evidence-based Child Abuse Prevention Programs for AIDS-affected Families in LMIC

This presentation reviews pathways to HIV-risk, resulting child abuse and offers advice and support for stemming the problem. Presented during the symposium “Children and HIV: Start Early, Start Now! – Integrated Interventions for Young Children Born into HIV-affected Families” in Melbourne,...

Enhancing Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Capacity in Low Resource Settings: A trainer’s manual

Individual to Collective Healing: A trainer’s manual is part of a War Trauma Foundation series featuring resources spanning the complementary supports that meet the mental health and psychosocial needs of different groups. The series takes a collective approach looking at how families and...
