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Community workers

Challenges Faced by Unaccompanied Minor-refugees in South Africa

This qualitative study explored the experiences of unaccompanied minor-refugees from Zimbabwe to South Africa. The findings revealed that services by statutory social workers were limited, compared to services by social workers employed in non-governmental organizations. It highlights the...

Managing Ethical Dilemmas: A tool for HIV care workers

HIV care workers sometimes face ethical dilemmas, such as: "Do I uphold the law, or protect my client from an unjust criminal system?" This webinar introduces a new tool to help in working through ethical dilemmas.

Promoting Education for Vulnerable Children by Supporting Families: A holistic intervention in Uganda

This article reports on the Western Uganda Bantwana Program, which worked with more than 1,000 HIV/AIDS-affected families with the goals of improving socioeconomic status, psychosocial functioning, and educational participation. Bantwana offered home visits for psychosocial support and connected...

Community Action for Child Protection: Global guidance on community-based child protection mechanisms

The community action for child protection guidance has been developed in consultation with Plan International staff across the world. Its aims are: to define what community-based child protection mechanisms are and are not, including their roles and responsibilities; to set out guiding principles...

Child Victims of Human Trafficking: outcomes and service adaptation within the U.S. Unaccompanied Refugee Minor programs

Child victims of trafficking have additional needs and vulnerabilities, especially as they begin to rebuild their lives in their new communities. This paper presents the features of the unaccompanied Refugee Minor (URM) program, administered by United States Conference of Catholic Bishops/Migration...

Expanding World Vision's Impact Through Community Health Workers

In 2015, a global census of community health workers (CHWs) was conducted by World Vision International to assist in developing CHW technical capacity statements, grant proposals, and fundraising and marketing resources, as well as to assist in internal monitoring and reporting on our global...

A Commitment to Community Health Workers: Improving data for decision making

The Frontline Health Workers Coalition and partners call for human resources for health stakeholders to create a common definition for the “community health worker” along with an agreed-upon set of core tasks and competencies.

Communities Deliver: The critical role of communities in reaching global targets to end the AIDS epidemic

The report includes community-based service delivery for orphans and other children made vulnerable due to AIDS and health service provision. Ending the epidemic requires services that reach all vulnerable populations and a strong health workforce.

The Clinical Management of Children and Adolescents who have Experienced Sexual Violence

This guide includes Technical Considerations on post-rape care for persons under the age of 18 in primary health centers that also provide HIV care.

Strengthening Linkages between Clinical & Social Services for Children & Adolescents who Have Experienced Sexual Violence

This guide provides a basic framework, examples, resources, and contact information for health providers and managers to better understand and facilitate linkages with critical social and community services for comprehensive care of children and adolescents who have experienced sexual violence and...
