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Community workers

Children on the Move: From protection towards a quality sustainable solution, a practical guide

This guide for professionals working with vulnerable children on the move promotes the development of a well-connected, transnational network of child protection professionals, and proposes an eight-step procedure to deliver a holistic continuity of care.

Routine Monitoring Systems for Integrated Community Case Management Programs: Lessons from 18 countries in sub–Saharan Africa

Integrated community case management (iCCM) programs are expanding rapidly in many low– and middle–income countries, particularly in sub–Saharan Africa. This paper aims to synthesize lessons learned from recent experience developing and implementing systems for routine monitoring of large scale...

Summary of Key Findings from the 4Children Case Management Case Studies

4Children has prepared a series of case studies documenting the core components of the case management process within orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) programming and national child protection systems, in three different countries. These case studies aim to provide examples of how case...

From Assessment to Graduation: Comprehensive Case Management for Vulnerable Children and Households – The Score Project in Uganda

The SCORE project has been providing holistic services to vulnerable children and families in Uganda since 2011.  SCORE’s household case management approach facilitates enrolled households to progress out of extreme vulnerability and graduate from direct project support to self-sufficiency. This...

Case Management for Children Orphaned or Made Vulnerable by HIV (OVC)

Seven critical steps are outlined in the case management process to guide the case worker along the process from identifying vulnerable children to closing their cases.

New Study Reveals Nearly One-Third of HIV Clients Travel Outside of Their Local Government Area for Health Care in Nigeria

For the most significant epidemiological impact, PEPFAR 3.0 is focusing investments on the highest impact interventions in key geographic areas where data demonstrate the highest prevalence of HIV.

Zambia National Consultation Accelerating Children Care Reform Report

This report documents the discussion at a meeting held in May 2016 with diverse stakeholders throughout Zambia and highlights key issues that were identified to accelerate care reform in the country. Conclusions and recommendations were agreed around the three main focus areas: evidence building...

Social Protection for Informal Workers in Asia

Case studies from several countries in Asia provide examples of designing and delivering social protection programs for informal sector workers.

Scottish Social Service Sector: Report on 2015 Workforce Data

This report provides a comprehensive picture of the paid workforce employed in the social service sector in Scotland at the end of 2015.

The Role of Para-Social Workers in Creating Community-led Approaches to Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse: Case study on child protection within OVC programs

With guidance and training in child protection district officials and community leaders worked together to map vulnerable households and issues in communities, organize and fortify orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) response committees at the district and sub-county levels, and train PSWs to...
