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Community workers

Exploring the Self-care Practices of Child Welfare Workers: A research brief

This study brief explores the self-care practices of child welfare workers in one southeastern US state. Results reveal that child welfare workers only engage in self-care at moderate levels.

Turnover Among Wraparound Care Coordinators: Perspectives on causes, impacts and remedies

There is no shortage of anecdotal evidence about the negative impacts that staff turnover can have on children, families, and other staff in agencies that provide Wraparound care coordination. The cost to replace staff is also high. This report highlights findings from a study toward determining...

Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Humanitarian Crises

This issue in Humanitarian Practice Network includes several articles that highlight opportunities for integrating MHPSS programming in humanitarian response, ways to overcome the challenges associated with introducing multi-sectoral interventions into existing systems, research and operational...

Optimizing Health Worker Performance and Productivity to Achieve 95-95-95 Targets

This toolkit includes resources that can be used by all cadres of the health and social service workforces and service delivery professionals. It includes a case study and tools for understanding and addressing causes of workforce problems and tips for supportive supervision.

Quality Checklist for Child Psychosocial Support and Child Friendly Spaces

This document is part of a Meal4Kids series. The checklist is intended to help child psychosocial support and Child Friendly Space supervisors adhere to quality standards during program implementation.

Framework for Strengthening Integration of Mental Health in Programs for Children Orphaned or Made Vulnerable by HIV

This paper highlights key drivers for improving integration of mental health, including a qualified workforce delivering quality services.

Challenges of Developing a District Child Welfare Plan in South Africa: Lessons from a community-engaged HIV/AIDS research project

The Amajuba Child Health and Wellbeing Research Project measured the impact of orphaning due to HIV/AIDS on South African households between 2004 and 2007. Research highlights importance of promoting integration of government social welfare services for families and children affected by HIV/AIDS.

Community-based Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Humanitarian Settings: Three-tiered support for children and families

The CB MHPSS operational guidelines are designed and intended to help UNICEF staff and partners support and promote safe, nurturing environments for children’s recovery, psychosocial wellbeing and protection. The guidelines present an operational framework that emphasizes engaging actors at all...

Social Protection and Disability in South Africa

This working paper launches a new series of publications that identify good practice in enabling the inclusion of persons with disabilities in social protection systems and programmes. It finds that South Africa’s lifecycle system of social security transfers for disabled people, one of the such...

INSPIRE: Seven strategies for ending violence against children

INSPIRE: Seven strategies for ending violence against children is an evidence-based technical package to support countries in their efforts to prevent and respond to violence against children aged 0-17 years.
