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Case management

Preservation and Reunification for Families of Young Children: Case file review of a home-visiting program

The Home Parenting Education and Support (HoPES) programme is a new intensive 8-week home-visiting intervention supporting the preservation and reunification of families with young children (aged 0–4 years) receiving child protection services following child abuse and/or neglect in Australia.

What Works to Protect Children on the Move

This rapid evidence assessment synthesized findings from 89 studies of interventions to protect children on the move to consolidate key findings while highlighting evidence gaps and data needs. The findings and suggestions are particularly relevant for policymakers and those working in social...

Connecting Cash Transfers with Care for Better Child and Family Well-Being: Evidence from a qualitative evaluation in South Africa

Limited evidence exists of the effectiveness of combining cash transfers and family strengthening interventions in developing country contexts.

International Kinship Care Guide

This guide is intended as a good practice guide for professionals placing children from local authority care with family members abroad.

The Potential of Networks for Families in the Child Protection System: A Systematic Review

There has recently been increased interest in the potential for formal and informal networks to aid interventions with biologic families in helping them achieve reunification in the context of the child protection system. When group support is provided to families, the creation of a network of...

COVID-19 and Violence against Women and Children - A Second Research Round Up

This follow up report reviews 28 new studies on violence against women and children during COVID-19 and details some of the challenges providers face in providing services to those affected and recommends that additional attention and reporting on ethics is needed to ensure a ‘do no harm’ approach.

Linking, Aligning and Convening Gender-Based Violence and Violence Against Children: Prevention and Response Services in Uganda’s Refugee-Hosting Districts

This publication details some of the responsive services and needs for holistic support to refugees, including mental health and psychosocial support. Community-based structures, such as para-social workers, child protection committees, and village health teams, play a key role in providing...

Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action & INSPIRE strategies: A Guide to Complementarity and Use in Humanitarian Action

The Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, initially released in 2012 and revised in 2019, and the 2016 INSPIRE seven strategies package to end violence against children both promote similar approaches and principles to ensure that every child can grow up safe and secure. In...

Guidance Manual on Strengthening Supervision for the Social Service Workforce

This manual defines what is meant by supervision in social services, outlines the key elements of good practice in supervision and summarizes the different forms of supervision.

Rapid Return of Children in Residential Care to Family as a Result of COVID-19: Scope, challenges, and recommendations

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, some governments have mandated that residential care providers rapidly return children and youth to family. Survey data from 67 organizations revealed that rapid return was characterized by compressed timelines that did not allow for adequate child and family...
