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Case management

Building Bridges for Every Child: Reception, Care and Services to Support Unaccompanied Children in the United States

This report offers recommendations for strengthening child-sensitive reception, care and services for unaccompanied children in the United States. Drawing on UNICEF’s global experience, international guidance, and the insights of key stakeholders, the report intends to offer a constructive,...

Public Expenditure and Children's Care - Guidance note

This guidance is designed to strengthen the capacity of government agencies in low resource settings to prepare a sound budgetary framework for policies, programs and services that aim to keep children in safe and nurturing family environments.

Supporting the Workforce: Parenting programs adapt to COVID-19

Facing challenges of delivering parenting programs during COVID-19, many programs shifted to virtual service delivery and adapted to provide enhanced psychosocial support. This brief focuses on how parenting programs are reorienting their services in response to COVID-19 and supporting the...

Adapt. Imagine. Innovate. Child Protection during COVID-19: a catalogue of innovations and adaptations

This catalogue showcases many promising innovations and adaptations in child protection services by Save the Children to ensure continuity of services during COVID-19. It shares examples lessons learned as good practice that can inform others on adapting services in future health crises but also as...

Position Paper: Collaboration across child protection in humanitarian action and education in emergencies

Child Protection in Humanitarian Action and Education in Emergencies are highly complementary areas of humanitarian response.

Making Best Use of the Technical Note: COVID-19 and Children Deprived of their Liberty

In response to increasing concerns about the protection issues facing children in detention during the COVID-19 crisis, an Inter-Agency ‘Technical Note: COVID-19 and Children Deprived of their Liberty’ was published in April 2020. It contains recommendations for governments and other detaining...

Characteristics of the Front-Line Child Welfare Workforce

While many studies have evaluated how and why front-line workers choose to leave the child welfare workforce, few sources of data have been available to assess and compare child welfare workforces across jurisdictions and over time. This study describes and makes available a new data source that...

A Case-Study of OVC Case Management Through the Zambia Family (ZamFam) Project

ZAMFAM used the case management approach which tracks the beneficiary from identification to graduation. The case management cycle involves a ZAMFAM methodology of scaled up community engagement from the first step of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) identification, followed by assessment,...

The Development of a Computer-based Information System to Inform Social Work Interventions with Unaccompanied Minors

This article describes the development of an information system, built in order to monitor the data gathered in the context of a pilot project for early child protection interventions with unaccompanied minors. The project included multidisciplinary expert teams, that carried out interviews with...

Electronic Case Management: Key considerations

Electronic case management systems streamline the reporting of OVC indicators, provides greater visibility and accountability for partners, and allows service providers to monitor program performance and outcomes. An electronic case management system is proven to be effective in storing key...
