UK Social Work & the War in Ukraine

The focus of this document is to support, inform and empower social workers across the UK in their ongoing practice and consideration of issues that arise in relation to people arriving and staying under the UK Ukraine visa schemes. 
The document covers:
1. BASW and International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) response to the war in Ukraine2. Understanding the visa scheme for Ukrainians3. Social work ethics4. Social work practice with Ukrainians under the visa schemes5. APPENDIX: Background information about the war
Local, regional and nation-level guidance and advice has emerged since visa schemes for Ukrainians started and there are some differences in country level approach. This document does not replace or duplicate these and all social workers should refer to local and national guidance. The point of this guide is to emphasise shared and common social work responsibilities and ethical responsibilities in different policy and political contexts across the UK.



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