The Role of Social Work in Poverty Reduction and the Realisation of Millennium Development Goals in Uganda

This publication presents the findings of a study undertaken as part of a three-year project on the ‘Promotion of Professional Social Work towards Social Development and Poverty Reduction in East Africa’ (PROSOWO), under the auspices of the Austrian Partnership Programme in Higher Education and Research for Development (APPEAR). The specific objectives were to identify key programmes undertaken to reduce poverty so as to achieve social development, and assess the extent to which professional social workers are engaged in such programmes, their specific roles and responsibilities as well as the approaches and methods used. Further, the study aimed to assess the adequacy of the social work curriculum in preparing social workers to address issues of poverty and social development in the context of MDGs.


Janestic Mwende Twikirize, Narathius Asingwire, Julius Omona, Rosalind Lubanga, Agatha Kafuko

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