The MANDELA Model Workbook

The MANDELA model, developed by Dr. Prospera Tedam, seeks to provide a framework for practice educators who are enabling the learning of social work students in practice placement settings. The Model aims to drive change and promote new ways of thinking and working with infants, young children, families and practitioners. It is a reflective framework of questions that aims to promote reflexivity in our work. Reflexivity allows us to question our own assumptions, reflect on what influences us and use this learning to create change.
Each of the letters frame questions to explore how we can develop inclusive working environments and ensure we actively engage in anti-oppressive and anti-discriminatory practice: Make time; Acknowledge; Needs; Differences; Educational experiences; Life experiences; Age. T
The MANDELA model supports this process through facilitating conversations with staff that analyse and critique practice in the whole organisation and individual areas. It provides the opportunity to explore how the organisation can embrace inclusivity in all aspects of their work to address the structural inequalities embedded in our society. It is an ongoing whole team approach that includes policies, day to day practice, recruitment and how we engage and work with families, infants and young children.
This workbook aims to support early years leaders in incorporating this model.


Eunice Lumsden

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