The Inshuti z’Umuryango Stories from the Field: Elisa

This case study details how IZU Elisa supported a child-headed household in Kayonza district, Rwanda.
The IZU programme was initiated in 2016 as an innovative approach to decentralising the child protection workforce to community-level, and the cadre now comprises the frontline of Rwanda’s child protection system. 
The IZU provided a timely and holistic response to make sure that the child-headed household was supported, and to prevent siblings from being separated after the death of their mother 
In this case study, key components of the IZU’s support included psychosocial support, referrals to essential services, advocacy, and regular follow-up including with the child-headed household 
The IZU effectively coordinated and collaborated with local child protection actors based on each actor’s competencies, mandate and responsibilities, to meet the children’s multi-faceted needs 


UNICEF, Rwanda National Child Development Agency

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